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Copy Client

The Copy Client feature is very useful when creating more than one Client. It is often easier to copy a client to new client, and edit settings in the new client, rather than creating a new Client from scratch. in this dialog, you can copy parts of the available settings, or everything, including stored budget data.

Access this feature by selecting System > Clients > Copy Client:

The Copy Client page displays, as shown below:

Below is a list of available fields:





From Client*

The Client to copy from.

[10] Unites States

To Client*

The Client to copy to.

If the Client does not already exist, enter the new Client information in the New Client Setup section.

Client ID* The ID of the new Client.    
Client Description* The description for the new Client.    
Data Container The data container for the new Client.    
Default Currency The default currency for the new Client.    

Select client values to be copied

Select the Objects, Time, and Other values to be copied.


Once you have completed the above fields, select Copy:



Copy Client

The Copy Client feature is very useful when creating more than one Client. It is often easier to copy a client to new client, and edit settings in the new client, rather than creating a new Client from scratch. in this dialog, you can copy parts of the available settings, or everything, including stored budget data.

Access this feature by selecting System > Clients > Copy Client:

The Copy Client page displays, as shown below:

Below is a list of available fields:





From Client*

The Client to copy from.

[10] Unites States

To Client*

The Client to copy to.

If the Client does not already exist, enter the new Client information in the New Client Setup section.

Client ID* The ID of the new Client.    
Client Description* The description for the new Client.    
Data Container The data container for the new Client.    
Default Currency The default currency for the new Client.    

Select client values to be copied

Select the Objects, Time, and Other values to be copied.


Once you have completed the above fields, select Copy:


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