Ribbon Scripts - Custom Buttons
Ribbon Scripts are scripts that create custom buttons in the ribbon when the document is generated. These buttons can then be used to execute some function or other event.
Bizview contains four standard scripts that can be used and linked to custom buttons in the form. In addition to these standard scripts, a template designer can also link custom scripts to a custom button. In order to do that, the designer need to:
- Create the template script by using the Script Editor. Navigate to System Menu > Designer Tools > Template Scripts.
- Link the template script to the template
- Create a custom button and link the button to the function in the template script that should be execute when clicking the button
In the Template Design right panel, select the Custom Buttons tab. Here, you can view existing custom buttons and linked script functions. In this interface you can also:
- Add new custom buttons
- Edit a custom button
- Delete a custom button
- Reorder custom buttons (drag-and-drop in grid)
Important: The previous ribbon layout structure stated at the top of the SCRIPTS worksheet is not applicable from version 22.1. All scripts stated in SCRIPTS worksheet will be visible in the ribbon when opening the report/form and the order they are shown in ribbon will be the same as the order they are stated in the right panel grid and SCRIPTS worksheet.
The following can be defined for each custom button:
- View a generated document with ribbon scripts