A chart can contain of one, or several series (sometimes depending on the chart type). In this section, parameters for each series can be altered. It is also possible to add new series or delete series in the chart.
The name that is shown in the Series section ("Revenue" and "Prognosis" in the example below) corresponds to the text that is defined in the Legend Text for the specific series:
Below is a list of properties and functions:
Property | Function |
Render As | Sets the chart type. View supported chart types by clicking the link. Can also be set in the Content Settings - PlotArea section. Where to define the chart type depends on which type that should be used. Some chart types can only have one series and, therefore, it should be defined in the Plot Area and the Render As list in this section would be set as ChartDefined. Other chart types can be combined if several series are used and these must be defined for each series. |
Axis Y Type | Axis Y Type is used to identify which axis the Series is referring to. |
Line Style | Sets the style of the line used in Line chart. |
Line Thickness | Sets the line thickness used in Line chart. |
Border Color | Sets the border line color for all DataPoints. |
Border Style | Sets the border line style for all DataPoints. |
Border Thickness | Sets the border line thickness for all DataPoints. |
Corner Radius | Sets the border line thickness for all DataPoints. |
Corner Radius | Sets the parameters used to create rounded corners for series. |
Exploded | If "True", it generates exploded charts commonly used in Pie-,Doughnut- and SectionFunnel-charts. |
Start Angle | Sets the angel for the Pie/Doughnut. Accepts values in the range 0-360, used in Pie,Doughnut. |
Color Override | Overrides the theme color. |
Sort on Sequence | [...] |
Tool Tip Text | Sets the text information that should appear when hovering over a DataSerie/DataPoint without clicking it (#XValue,#YValue default). |
X Value Format String | Sets the format of the text (X Value) that is shown in the labels. If desired, include prefix or suffix (i.e ##0.00\%). |
Y Value Format String | Sets the format of the text (Y Value) that is shown in the labels. |
Z Value Format String | Sets the format of the text (Z Value) that is shown in the labels (see Bubble Chart). |
The following parameters can also be defined for each series:
Note: For more information about standard and custom date and time format strings, visit MSDN Microsoft.
Below is a list of dynamic variables for tool tip text and legends:
Variable | Result |
#XValue | Returns XValue. |
#YValue | Returns YValue. |
#ZValue | Returns ZValue. |
#Tag | Returns Tag value. |
#Percentage | Returns the percentage value with respect to DataPoints in that DataSerie (applies to Pie, Doughnut, Pyramid, and Funnel charts). |
#Series | Returns the series name. |
#Sum | Returns the sum of values in entire chart with same Xvalue (applies to Stack charts only). |
#Open | Returns Open value. |
#Close | Returns Close value. |
#High | Returns High value. |
#Low | Returns Low value. |