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Template Search

When a template is saved in template design, information about the template is also saved in the database. The information can be viewed under menu item "Template Search" in System menu.  At the moment, only templates with template type REPORT, FORM, GRIDFORM, and WEBLINK are saved.

Access this feature by selecting System > Designer Tools > Template Search:

The Template Search page displays, as shown below:

In Template Search, the designer can search in all published templates by entering a text in a free text search field, or use More Options and search a specific parameter. Below is a demonstration of the More Options interface, which can be very useful when, for example, a designer wants to know which template a specific parameter is used or in which template a specific word or event is specified.

The tables that are used for saving the information are:

  • app.doc_events
  • app.doc_panes
  • app.doc_params
  • app.doc_scripts
  • app.doc_tables
  • app.doc_template

The table definition is almost the same for all tables. There are a few columns at the end that differs and are specific for respective table.

When the documentation is saved a sequence number (same for the complete batch) is saved  for every record. That means that you have a version history in the database also. If the documentation of templates for some reason doesn't seem to be up to date, there are two ways to correct that:

  1. Access Template Design, open the template(s) which the documentation is not up to date and Save and Publish that template again. Then, the documentation tables will be updated.

  2. If many templates need to be updated, it might be easier to use the documentation utility tool provided. For more information, see Template Documentation Utility.

Common Columns

The following are descriptions of the columns that are common for all tables:

  • [wb_name]               - The name of the template.

  • [seq]               - Sequence number for the batch save.

  • [ws_name]               - The name of the worksheet.

  • [ws_address]               - The address of the cell.

  • [ws_col]               - The column of the cell (integer).

  • [ws_row] -               The row of the cell (integer).

  • [cell_comment]       - The cell comment.

  • [cell_isformula]       - 1 if cell has a formula, otherwise it's 0.

  • [cell_formula] -               The formula in the cell.

  • [cell_islocked] -               1 if the cell is locked, otherwise it's 0.

  • [cell_text] -               The display text in the cell.

  • [cell_value] -               The value the cell contain.

  • [cell_foreground] -       HEX format of the foreground color.

  • [cell_background] -       HEX format of the background color.

  • [upd_user_id] -               User that saved the template.

  • [updated] [datetime] -       The time the template was saved.

Table-Specific Columns

Except the common columns above, each table contains following columns that is created so it will be easier to get information for the current cell. For example, read a parameter value in PARAM, let say it's in column 3, you could get the Parameter ID on another record with the same ws_row but ws_col = 1. Such information is automatically saved in the table so you can read the PARAM_ID directly on the record.

Below are descriptions of the columns that are specific for tables.


  • [event] -               Contains the event type (#before_document_creation, etc).

  • [function_type]       - Contains if the function is SQLDDL, SQLPROC och FUNCTION).

  • [function_name] -       Contains the name of the function/procedure.

  • [function_parameter] -       Contains parameters passed to functions.


[control_tag] -               The control tag for the current row.


[param_id] -               The parameter ID for the current row.


  • [param_id] -               The parameter ID (FUNCTION, TEXT, IMAGE, TOOLTIP, etc).

  • [script_tag] -               The name of the Button tag (#myButton).

  • [ribbon_tab] -               The name of the ribbon tab a button is placed in.

  • [ribbon_group]     - The name of the ribbon group a button is placed in.

  • [ribbon_button] -       The name of the button a child button is placed in.

  • [ribbon_type] -               The type of ribbon (TAB, GROUP, BUTTON or CHILD).


  • doc_tables has no extra columns.

  • doc_templates

  • [cola_value] -               The value on column 1.

  • [rowtype] -               The value of the ROWTYPE.

  • [searchval] -               The search value for the row.


Template Search

When a template is saved in template design, information about the template is also saved in the database. The information can be viewed under menu item "Template Search" in System menu.  At the moment, only templates with template type REPORT, FORM, GRIDFORM, and WEBLINK are saved.

Access this feature by selecting System > Designer Tools > Template Search:

The Template Search page displays, as shown below:

In Template Search, the designer can search in all published templates by entering a text in a free text search field, or use More Options and search a specific parameter. Below is a demonstration of the More Options interface, which can be very useful when, for example, a designer wants to know which template a specific parameter is used or in which template a specific word or event is specified.

The tables that are used for saving the information are:

  • app.doc_events
  • app.doc_panes
  • app.doc_params
  • app.doc_scripts
  • app.doc_tables
  • app.doc_template

The table definition is almost the same for all tables. There are a few columns at the end that differs and are specific for respective table.

When the documentation is saved a sequence number (same for the complete batch) is saved  for every record. That means that you have a version history in the database also. If the documentation of templates for some reason doesn't seem to be up to date, there are two ways to correct that:

  1. Access Template Design, open the template(s) which the documentation is not up to date and Save and Publish that template again. Then, the documentation tables will be updated.

  2. If many templates need to be updated, it might be easier to use the documentation utility tool provided. For more information, see Template Documentation Utility.

Common Columns

The following are descriptions of the columns that are common for all tables:

  • [wb_name]               - The name of the template.

  • [seq]               - Sequence number for the batch save.

  • [ws_name]               - The name of the worksheet.

  • [ws_address]               - The address of the cell.

  • [ws_col]               - The column of the cell (integer).

  • [ws_row] -               The row of the cell (integer).

  • [cell_comment]       - The cell comment.

  • [cell_isformula]       - 1 if cell has a formula, otherwise it's 0.

  • [cell_formula] -               The formula in the cell.

  • [cell_islocked] -               1 if the cell is locked, otherwise it's 0.

  • [cell_text] -               The display text in the cell.

  • [cell_value] -               The value the cell contain.

  • [cell_foreground] -       HEX format of the foreground color.

  • [cell_background] -       HEX format of the background color.

  • [upd_user_id] -               User that saved the template.

  • [updated] [datetime] -       The time the template was saved.

Table-Specific Columns

Except the common columns above, each table contains following columns that is created so it will be easier to get information for the current cell. For example, read a parameter value in PARAM, let say it's in column 3, you could get the Parameter ID on another record with the same ws_row but ws_col = 1. Such information is automatically saved in the table so you can read the PARAM_ID directly on the record.

Below are descriptions of the columns that are specific for tables.


  • [event] -               Contains the event type (#before_document_creation, etc).

  • [function_type]       - Contains if the function is SQLDDL, SQLPROC och FUNCTION).

  • [function_name] -       Contains the name of the function/procedure.

  • [function_parameter] -       Contains parameters passed to functions.


[control_tag] -               The control tag for the current row.


[param_id] -               The parameter ID for the current row.


  • [param_id] -               The parameter ID (FUNCTION, TEXT, IMAGE, TOOLTIP, etc).

  • [script_tag] -               The name of the Button tag (#myButton).

  • [ribbon_tab] -               The name of the ribbon tab a button is placed in.

  • [ribbon_group]     - The name of the ribbon group a button is placed in.

  • [ribbon_button] -       The name of the button a child button is placed in.

  • [ribbon_type] -               The type of ribbon (TAB, GROUP, BUTTON or CHILD).


  • doc_tables has no extra columns.

  • doc_templates

  • [cola_value] -               The value on column 1.

  • [rowtype] -               The value of the ROWTYPE.

  • [searchval] -               The search value for the row.

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