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General Settings - Pie Chart

To alter the way the pie chart looks, access General Settings in the right panel.

The following settings are available for a pie chart:



Show Title

Displays the title above the dasharea (ON/OFF).


The title of the dasharea.


Choose a background color for the area.

Show Border

Displays a border around the area (ON/OFF).

Show Labels

Displays data labels that contain descriptions for pie segments(ON/OFF).

Label Connector Width Sets the width of line that connects a data label and its associated data point.
Label Overlapping Type Allows you to slightly shift the labels, hide certain labels, or show them in a stack.
Format Labels Allows you to format the data labels in Fixed Point, Percent, Thousands, and Millions.
Precision Allows you to define precision on the format selected for labels. The value can be between 0 - 10.

Legends Position

Select the position of the legend.

Legend Location

Select the legend's location.

Legend Columns

Choose the number of columns the legend should be divided into (1-10).

Legend Border

Displays a border around the legend (ON/OFF).

Show Tooltip

Displays a tooltip (ON/OFF).


Choose the color palette of the pie chart.

Note: Many of the ON/OFF settings displays even more settings if turned to ON.


General Settings - Pie Chart

To alter the way the pie chart looks, access General Settings in the right panel.

The following settings are available for a pie chart:



Show Title

Displays the title above the dasharea (ON/OFF).


The title of the dasharea.


Choose a background color for the area.

Show Border

Displays a border around the area (ON/OFF).

Show Labels

Displays data labels that contain descriptions for pie segments(ON/OFF).

Label Connector Width Sets the width of line that connects a data label and its associated data point.
Label Overlapping Type Allows you to slightly shift the labels, hide certain labels, or show them in a stack.
Format Labels Allows you to format the data labels in Fixed Point, Percent, Thousands, and Millions.
Precision Allows you to define precision on the format selected for labels. The value can be between 0 - 10.

Legends Position

Select the position of the legend.

Legend Location

Select the legend's location.

Legend Columns

Choose the number of columns the legend should be divided into (1-10).

Legend Border

Displays a border around the legend (ON/OFF).

Show Tooltip

Displays a tooltip (ON/OFF).


Choose the color palette of the pie chart.

Note: Many of the ON/OFF settings displays even more settings if turned to ON.

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