Right-Click Menu
Right-clicking in an entry cell in a form displays the following menu:
Cut: Cut the value in the active cell.
Copy: Copy the value in the active cell.
Paste: Paste a cut or copied value to the active cell.
Clear: Clear the value in the active cell.
Insert comment: Add a cell comment to the active cell. This comment will be saved to the database when you Save values and will be visible the next time the form is opened.
Note: The "Insert comment" menu item will only be available in entry cells in the form, cells that are saved to the database.
Audit Trail: Get a full overview of values that have been updated/changed in the active cell.
Note: The "Audit Trail" menu item will only be available in forms in which the template designer has activated that option.
If a cell comment exists in the active cell and you right-click, two additional menu items display:
Delete comment: Remove the cell comment from active cell.
Edit comment: Open existing cell comment and change it.
If you navigate on a touch screen, the "View comment" menu item will also be visible when pressing down on the cell.