Bizview v21 Change Log
This topic contains the change log of Bizview as a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each Bizview version. The following versioning syntax is applied: (Year).(Quarter).(Increment), and each version brings you new features and fixes.
Release Date: March 7, 2022
Currency Codes & Pairs > Currency codes can be activated/deactivated, and currency pairs can be added, edited and deleted in the HTML5 client
Property Pane in Template Design - Links > add, edit, remove and reorder links in the template design right panel in the HTML5 client
Edit mode in template design - either edit in right panel or in spreadsheet is allowed, an overlay will be visible when right panel is expanded
Script Editor > View code snippets in right panel
drag-and-drop to the script area
copy/paste to the script area
add new custom code snippets
delete custom code snippets
Gridform > the default grid mode is changed to scrolling instead of paging, so that users can in an easier and more intuitive way locate data in the form
Gridform Link Editor > Added field for tooltip
In Links right panel in a report, form or gridform, icons have been removed and the links are now formatted in a more intuitive way, looking like a hyperlink
Race Condition with Selection Pane- & Client- Parameters
Duplicates in Workflow Grid when saving WIP versions for multiple clients
Incorrect viewtags if viewtags are based on formulas with ADDSHEET & COLEXPAND
The tooltip in Quick update field in gridform was always visible in the area and not just when hovering over the information icon
In gridform editor, if a specific list column missed a linked data view an error was returned when previewing it. With this fix, the designer gets a message when saving the gridform and information about which fields are missing a data view ID.
Release Date: February 18, 2022
Comment Categories & Blocks > Comment categories & blocks can be created, edited, and deleted in the HTML5 client.
Script Editor > Scripts can be created, edited, or deleted in the HTML5 client.
Gridform > Default column fit can be set for each gridform. Options are: Fit to Column, Fit to Fill, or Hide Columns. If a default column fit isn’t set, then Fit to Fill is applied.
Dashboard > Workflows in “My Workflow Tasks” in the dashboard were not reflecting the correct status.
Staging Procedures > In procedure stg.p_dc_load_data_from_stages, when loading data from stage-table into data tables, rows that are marked for deletion (row-status 2) are not being included and rows remain in the data container.
Staging Procedures > Procedure stg.p_dc_load_data_from_stages procedure was running too slow.
Template Designer > Changes to cell format aren’t applied if the active cell already has the selected format.
Reports > The Total Tab in Reports should be first tab instead of last tab. When TOTALSHEET_FIRST is entered in the Param Tab, the total tab should be should displayed as the first tab.
Support for the (undocumented and not-officially-supported) MySQL driver due to potential security vulnerabilities
Template design > For the old data engine templates (v0 templates), either for form or report template design, the right panel with property panes is no longer available in the HTML5 client.
Known issues
(fixed in 22.1.0) Scripts are not being reloaded in templates after saving in HTML5 client.
To trigger reload of scripts, please use the Silverlight client instead.
Release Date: February 4, 2022
Import Object Values > Ability to import object values even if the columns in the grid have changed since the file was exported.
Job Designer > Jobs can be designed in the HTML5 client.
Group Reports > Group Reports can be created, edited, and viewed in the HTML5 client.
Gridform > Designer can choose a default edit mode (Form, Batch, Popup) to be used when the end-user opens a gridform.
Job Designer > Job steps with datastore procedures are not supported in HTML5 client. It will not be possible to add new job steps with a datastore procedure in the new UI. If jobs need to be managed that include steps with a datastore procedure, it will need to be done in Silverlight.
Job Designer > Job steps with step action type REPORT will be deprecated as Report Archive is not supported in the HTML5 client. Any existing job steps with step action type REPORT will be removed when upgrading. It will not be possible to create new job steps with type REPORT.
Plugins > Corrected security vulnerabilities in Xero plugin.
Known issues
(fixed in 21.4.6) Job Designer > For a job template, parameters are not removed when selection pane is unlinked and are not updated if the selection pane is changed. This issue also occurs when adding or editing global job parameters and step parameters.
Release Date: January 21, 2022
Login > System administrators can force users to login only via SSO. For more information go to Force authentication provider
Templates, forms, reports > Ability to go to first page and last page.
Templates, forms, reports > Sometimes an unnecessary exception is thrown when closing a template, form, or report.
Image Library > When selecting an image, sometimes Bizview sets the wrong value causing the inability to login.
Dashboard Design > The selection pane is immediately displayed when entering Dashboard design mode. Also, when selecting a selection pane in right panel, the selection pane pops up if there are mandatory controls without default values.
Selection Pane Designer > On expanding the list data & default values dropdown, should navigate directly to selected data view or procedure
Template Categories > If a new category is created, it should be saved immediately and the row highlighted.
Templates > Default spreadkey in template overrides any saved "empty" spreadkey (spreadkey = blank) when opening a form.
Integration Portal > Incorrect token endpoint used for
Release Date: January 7, 2022
Export Templates > Templates can be exported to Excel in the HTML5 client.
Import Templates > In the HTML5 client, templates can be imported from an excel file into database tables.
Templates, form, reports > Null exception when saving templates, forms or reports.
Forms > In template design of a form, no error message is displayed if a Version isn’t entered, which is a required field.
Objects > If a user exists in the system with a long ID or Display Name, and an existing object is updated, when you return to the object values lists or run the dat.p_object_values procedure, an exception will occur.
Selection Pane> The control labels are wrapping incorrectly on smaller screens.
Known issues
(delivered in 21.4.3) Dashboard Design > The selection pane is immediately displayed when entering Dashboard design mode. Also, when selecting a selection pane in right panel, the selection pane pops up if there are mandatory controls without default values.
Release Date: December 24, 2021
Selection Pane > If user navigates directly to any page with a selection pane immediately after logging in to Bizview, then user is not able to close the selection pane.
Known issues
(delivered in 21.4.3) Templates, forms, reports > Sometimes an unnecessary exception is thrown when closing a template, form, or report.
(delivered in 21.4.2) Templates, form, reports > Null exception when saving templates, forms or reports.
Release Date: December 10, 2021
Export Object Values > Object values can be exported to Excel in the HTML5 client.
Import Object Values > In the HTML5 client, object values can be imported from an excel file into database tables.
Note: Columns needs to match (see known issues section)
Import confirmation dialog will be displayed prior to finalizing import.
Progress message is displayed if import is taking longer than 10 seconds.
Data Validation during import which will display all errors and ability to export errors into an excel file
Export Client Data > New Export Client Data page is available in the HTML5 client for users with access to client data. From this page, you can export data for: Objects, Time, Currencies, Structures, Other.
Import Client Data > Now available in HTML5 client, the ability to import new or edited object values from an excel file into database tables.
Import confirmation dialog will be displayed prior to finalizing import.
Progress message is displayed if import is taking longer than 10 seconds.
Data Validation during import which will display all errors and ability to export errors into an excel file
Export Spreadkeys and Spreadkey Values > Spreadkeys and spreadkey values can be exported to Excel in the HTML5 client.
Note: if you export, you export all spreadkeys, not just the ones you are currently viewing.
Import Spreadkeys and Spreadkey Values > In the HTML5 client, speadkeys and spreadkey values can be imported from an excel file into database tables.
Import confirmation dialog will be displayed prior to finalizing import.
Progress message is displayed if import is taking longer than 10 seconds.
Data Validation during import which will display all errors and ability to export errors into an excel file.
Template Categories > In the HTML5 client, the user can now view and create template categories
Job schedules > Jobs were always being run immediately
Job schedules > If all days were left unchecked, the job was running every day.
Object Mapping > New Parent attributes were saved with is_parent = 0, causing them to appear in Object Attributes list
Selection Pane > Checkbox list contracts when multiple selections are done
Forms > If a value wasn’t entered in a mandatory cell in a form with mandatory cells, an object reference error was displayed when saving.
Known issues
Import / Export > Importing functionality in HTML client delivered in this release is not guaranteed to work if the imported Excel file is based on a Silverlight-exported file.
To import an excel file in the Silverlight client , that file should to be based on corresponding a Silverlight-export
To import an excel file in the HTML5 client, that file should to be based on corresponding a HTML-export
Import Object Values > Columns and their order has to exactly match the grid being imported into. Having missing/extra/changed columns will result in a faulty import!
Import Client Data > Importing Client Data will lock tables during the import process. Users might receive errors when working in the application. It is recommended to import when no users are in the application.
Release Date: November 26, 2021
Selection pane > When opening a dropdown, the dropdown now flows over the selection pane pop-up. Vertical scrollbar is shown only if the controls don’t fit in a pop-up.
Selection pane designer > Hidden controls are now visually distinct from visible controls at design-time.
Templates > Event scripts are not executed if the template does not have a linked script. Now, event scripts will be executed even if the template does not have a linked script.
Release Date: November 12, 2021
Job schedules > Changed parameters to be consistent between Silverlight and HTML5 client.
Job schedules > Validation had been added in Job Schedules grid when entering values in the different controls.
Feature switching > Instead of changing a stored procedure, now feature switching can be done by changing the
column.Ability to create a gridform to manage feature switching.Creating a gridform to manage feature switching- Release 21.3.7 & Later
Templates > Selection pane and Category were removed for derived templates containing Selection Pane and Category values when clicking on Save.
Templates > Fixed object reference exception when executing template in After form values saved event. Execution of templates after save
Input > When adding multiple rows, only first row was saved.
Release Date: October 29, 2021
Job schedules > Now available in HTML5 client, including showing jobs, creating / deleting jobs and showing / adjusting job properties.
Selection pane > Deleting favourites
Export > Exporting object values to an Excel file that
Allows users to edit the new rows
Adjusts the column widths
Freezes top row when scrolling
Export > Disabled export button for object values if there are unsaved changes in the grid
Import / Export > Disabled button in Spreadkey grid for derived and automatic spreadkeys
Auto-subtotals were not accurately subtotaling
Selection pane > favourite opened from a workspace was not show as the selected favourite
Input forms > Cell validation was not working correctly
Selection pane > If release 21.3.6 is being installed (and not future releases), after installation, please run the following SQL script in order to show selection panes with the new UI.
HOTFIX-v21.3.6 - adjust p_get_toggles.sql
Known issues
(delivered in 21.3.7) Job schedules > Validations are missing when job schedules are being edited (coming in a future release)
Selection pane > The old UI is shown for a selection pane instead of the new one (released in 21.3.5), see migration how to work around it.
Release Date: October 15, 2021
Selection pane > Designer UI now available in HTML5 client
Selection pane > New UI of the selection pane in all Bizview modules, including save, preview, and execution logs
Selection pane > Showing favourites in the new Selection Pane UI
Selection pane > Adding favourites in the new Selection Pane UI
Selection pane > Dropdowns are now the same width as the controls in the selection pane. In case of long texts in the dropdown, advise is to use the control’s search function.
Pop-ups > Update look and feel to be more consistent with the rest of the application
Dashboard > User was not able to delete calculated measures
Silverlight > Selection pane designer in System administration
Selection pane > Properties ‘lineheight’ and 'linewidth’ since they are no longer meaninful with the new UI (pixel-perfect design no longer applies)
Selection pane > Label contol
The upgrade process attempts to apply the text from the removed control to the Label property of a nearby control. This happens only if the nearby control does not have mobile_text_label property defined.
Selection pane > Image control, including dynamic image
After upgrading, the images will no longer be shown in the selection pane
Selection pane > After upgrading, visually verify (and possibly adjust) the order of the controls in the selection pane.
After upgrading, previously designed selection panes will be shown with the new UI. The previous design allowed placement of controls anywhere within the selection pane. The new design stacks controls vertically.
Selection pane > Before upgrading, the advise is to define mobile_text_label property for dropdown, textbox, date picker, and checkbox controls.
Alternative: After upgrading, visually check the placement of labels within the selection paneand adjust the Label Text property of a specific control where the label happens to be is missing (or incorrect).
More info about migration (including how to fall back to the previous design if needed): Selection pane - Release 21.3.5 and later
Known issues
(delivered in 21.3.8) Selection pane > When opening a dropdown, the dropdown does not appear floating over the bottom of the selection pane pop-up. As a consequence, a vertical scrollbar is always shown, in order to avoid UI moving sideways.
(delivered in 21.3.6) Selection pane > Deleting favourites still not possible
(delivered in 21.3.8) Selection pane designer > Hidden controls are not visually distinct from visible controls, making it hard to know design-time what is visible and what not. Styling changes are planned for a future release
Release Date: October 12, 2021
Selection pane > In non-english Bizview instances, Checkboxes in the selection pane dropdowns were not not shown (e.g., in Swedish it was showing text MARKERAD instead of a checkbox).
Selection pane > Checkbox was not showing the text next to it
Spreadsheet > When right-clicking in spreadsheets, the icons in the context menu were missing
Login > Anonimized users were not able to log in with Azure AD
Dashboard > Sometimes when fetching active users, SqlException was thrown (parametrized query expecting an email address)
Release Date: October 6, 2021
Export > Since version 21.3.1, the user was unable to export a template to PDF or Excel when Bizview is hosted in IIS root location
Workflows > Since version 21.3.1, the URL in the share dialog in Workflows was incorrect
URL > Since version 21.3.1, the Single-Sign On (Windows Authentication) was not working due to a malformed URL
Object attributes > An InvalidOperationException was thrown when trying to create and link a new attribute in the objects page.
Currency calculation > Since version 21.2 that brought updates to currency calculation, the parameters were incompatible with the previous Template Version 1 format. Read more about the currency calculation.
Gridform > Saving was not possible if it had only a checkbox, list, object list, or static column list
Gridform designer > User was getting a FormatException if there are columns with data type “real“
Dashboard > When editing dashboards, copying dashboard areas between dashboards was not possible
Selection pane > Property “Show selection pane by default“ since the selection pane is now shown as a popup in dashboard (new selection pane designer expected in next version)
Release Date: October 1, 2021
Login > User was sporadically gets “KeyNotFound“ error when logging in
Users > Saving or renaming users to have a dot (.) in the User Login Name was giving an error
Integration portal > Incorrect reponse token was displayed for eAccounting authorization
Accessibility > Improved accessibility of icons for screen reader users
Object map > Since 21.3.1, object were not added due to supperfluous quotes in the SQL script
Known issues
(resolved in 21.3.4) Selection pane > In non-english Bizview instances, Checkboxes in the selection pane dropdowns are not shown (e.g., in Swedish it gives text MARKERAD instead of a checkbox).
(resolved in 21.3.4) Selection pane > Checkbox is not showing the text next to it
(resolved in 21.3.4) Spreadsheet > When right-clicking in spreadsheets, the icons in the context menu are missing
Release Date: September 17, 2021
Templates > ValType error was sometimes shown when an object was stored as a valuetype
Dynamic filter on an object, based on the addsheet value, was resulting in empty columns
A new parameter in PARAM sheet has been introduced: PRE_GENERATE_BREAK to address this issue. Please consult the help documentation for further information.
Property for selecting a reporting currency was not handled properly
Object Map > Since 21.2.2, maping was not performed correctly
Known issues
(resolved in 21.3.3) Export > The user was unable to export a template to PDF or Excel when Bizview is hosted in IIS root location
(resolved in 21.3.3) Workflows > The URL in the share dialog in Workflows was incorrect
(resolved in 21.3.3) URL > The Single-Sign On (Windows Authentication) was not working due to a malformed URL
Release Date: September 3, 2021
SQL trace > Web browser was sometimes becoming unresponsive with large SQL trace results
After-save event > Scripts that perform updates or deletions were sometimes failing
Export > When exporting template to excel without clearing formulas, the formulas were not exported
Release Date: August 20, 2021
Drill down > Admin can block access per user/role that is not authorized to view a drill down
Drill down > Only drill-downs authorized for the current user are visibible in a report / form / group reports
Workflows > Does and responsible lists were not filtered based on user access to object value
Object map > Processing an object map was failing if the object ID contained a hyphen (-)
Object map > No warning message was shown if the user makes changes and then leaves the page
Login > Background picture had incorrect size when the browser window is zoomed out
Dashboard > Chart’s Y-axis max value was always perserved correctly
Grant access > Search filters were not cleared out after refreshing
Images > Changing the image right after its upload or update was not replacing the image
Workflow > Since version 21.2, client admins (role: BV20) could not access the workflow design
Release Date: August 6, 2021
Images > Select Image popup shows details of the image, allows for image uploading and replacement. Supported image types are JPEG, JPG, GIF, in addition to PNG.
Gridform Editor > Restoring gridform templates
Gridform Editor > Format values are filtered for numeric and date/time columns
Gridform Editor > Save As
Data containers > Creating a new container was giving a network-related error
Gridform > Changing pages was not possible if the quick-update is open
Gridform > Select Row button in ribbon was not bold when clicked
Release Date: July 2, 2021
Static List Grid Editor > Ability to Update, Save, Save as in HTML5
Attributes > creating, editing, saving, navigation to/from Client and User grids to Attributes in HTML5. Added to menu item in Systems.
Gridform > new GUI, previewing, saving, publishing, design mode visible in workspace in HTML5. No longer available in Silverlight
Analytics Template Grid > new grid to view all and create analytic templates and enter design mode directly from the grid in HTML5.
Dashboard Template Grid > new grid to view all dashboards, can create a new dashboard when in the grid, can enter design mode by clicking the Dashboard ID hyperlink in HTML5.
Analytics Menu > ability to enter design mode
Currency > new currency calculations that support P&L and balance reports. Can now use one data view for multiple calculations instead of multiple data views.
Currency calculations to allow to have different currency rates applied to the same report.
Addition of system dimensions/primary key
Languages > French and German are available for client-side translations.
Calculated Fields > Support for Calculated Fields in Analytics
New PDF Converter
Note: Rendering when printing and exporting to PDF might differ from the previous version, therefore, it may be necessary to review the page setup for a template if such differences occur.
See Gridform migration tool - Release 21.2 & later versions for information about using the migration tool
Gridforms > migrated $CLIENT and $USER variables in queries need to be surrounded with ' '
These variables will be surrounded with a ' ' after the migration.Gridform > Migrated $variables in queries need to be changed to @
Gridforms containing SQL queries will be migrated. The SQL queries will be converted to data views.
Note: Values starting with a $, regardless if the value is surrounded with or without single quotation marks ( ' '), will be migrated to @variable.
Form > Form opening slow - v0 templates in combination with sum allocation and locked cells
Form> Error when using Swedish culture
Form >SAVEZERO cell does not work properly if there is a formula in it
Data Engine > use_objects variable is used instead of use_root_objects variable in udt_dataview_settings
Data Engine > NullReference exception while saving a form with events.
Currency > Create index on curr table
Users > Fixed exception occurring when creating a new user in 21.1
Data View > Fix typo in Aggregation-Type Count Distinct
Templates > Not getting any results when running ADDINFO query without $BREAK variable
Known Issues
Currency > Defining currency parameters in PARAM with different sections is not supported. If different parameter values need to be used for different sections then <currtype>_CURRMONTH parameter need to be stated in the template for each section
Gridform Editor>fieldSize & columnFixing tags not working. For more information go to Bizview 8.1 Documentation Inconsistencies
Gridform > Non-supported Gridform data types. For more information go to Gridform Data Types
Gridform Editor > Hide ribbon buttons is no longer supported
Gridform Editor > Gridform with formats specified like format=#0.####% are not supported. If these types of formats exists, the format will be removed and the Format drop-down will be empty.
Release Date: May 10, 2021
Form opening slow - v0 templates in combination with sum allocation and locked cells
BV40 role is not created in database when installing 21.1 - Data containers/tables aren't possible to setup
Release Date: March 26, 2021
UI Enhancements
Left Menu bar Update
Icons Update
Logo and Name Update
Font & Colors Update
Grant Access in HTML5
Data View Editor (incl. fields and hierarchies) in HTML5
Copy Data GUI for New Data Engine
only “measure” data records will be copied, not any data rows with valuetype spreadvalue and spreadkey_id. Data attribute values without any time value will not be copied either
Support for Calculated Fields in modules Dashboard and Report/form
not supported in Analytics Module
Calculated fields created in Data View Editor (not included when testing data view in the editor)
Automatic object mapping columns in manual data view
new property in Data View Editor to automatically add object structures and attributes stated in object map if the manual data view query contains any root object
the automatic columns will not be visible when testing the data view in Editor but when using the data view in Dashboard, Analytics, Template Design
Template Features 21.1 - Before Document Creation event in v1 templates
Breaking change
dr table not emptied after save in a form
Data views (query type 4) towards other data source are not working
[#01007901] Problem with Computed Columns DataTables Bizview
Copy version is missing indexes
[#01007027] ADDSHEET stopped working in forms 20.4.2
[#01007025] CF_GETPANEVALUE("") is case sensitive in 20.4.2
[#00533393] In dataview with dataview_type 2, DESCR columns should also be created for root objects
[#01007038] Selected value in Selection Pane does not clear when available values change
Invalid white spaces in [dis].[p_dc_object_map_import]
[#00991383] Remove value in object attribute (not tree but Attribute TYPE = OBJECT
Template version is updated to 0 if creating a new report with temp v 1 and then import a report from excel
[#00992065] Typo i Utskriftformat
[#00988697] #FIXED row is expanding even when #NOQUERY is present on above row
[#00989370] Default value not defined on stage table columns
Empty fields in Data Bindings - Dashboard
[#00947552] Rows with #HIDDEN does not hide if viewtag on row is set to true
[#00948445] Unable to align label to the right in selection pane designer
"Delete Where" Fails with error with #SECTION
[#00947593] Incorrect Norwegian translation for server text
Active Users Filter does not work correctly.
Dialog freezes when creating a derived template with an template ID that already exists
Case 00680878 Two-factor authentication does not work for anonymized users
Adding new row in first data row in form doesn't work
Create a derived template - then a wip version is also saved in app.templates_wip
[#00618251] Preview Workflows after Save As of workflow
Custom script - insert new rows - copyOffset problem
Dropdown cell with formula, saved values are not retrieved back to cell after update
Error in Clients grid if entering many numbers in the Telephone Attribute column
Not possible to change temporary password if Domain Name is removed