Loading Opening Balances into Datastore
This topic describes the process for opening balances into a Bizview datastore.
This topic contains the following sections:
Opening Balances in ERP Systems
ERP systems handle opening balances differently. Primarily there are two common scenarios:
Pre-calculated opening balances: The first scenario is when there is a separate table in the ERP system containing precalculated opening balances. The calculation is either done automatically whenever there is a new ledger posting, or there is need for user to manually activate the recalculation (by some period closing routine).
Run-time calculation of opening balances: The other scenario is when there is no handling of precalculated opening balances. Instead, opening balances are always calculated in run-time by summarizing all ledger transactions from the "beginning".
Loading Opening Balances into <ds>
Loading opening balances to Bizview datastore <ds> is normally a one-time activity.
That is, once opening balances are loaded into <ds>, there is no need to reload them again. The reason for this, is that opening balances for future financial years will be calculated automatically whenever a Balance Sheet is generated.
Populate Opening Balances Staging Table
In <ds> there is a separate staging table for opening balances.
This table may be populated in various ways:
Executing a procedure1 that extracts opening balances from the ERP system
Loading data from Excel file
Manual input
1 For some of the data adapters, there is a procedure that extracts opening balances from the ERP-system to the staging table stg.fin_opbal. See Bizview Adapters for documentation specific to each adapter.
Load Opening Balances to Staging Table for Ledgertrans
After the staging table is populated, the next step is to load these into the staging table for ledger transactions.
This is accomplished by using the standard procedure [stg].[p_load_fin_opbal].
Example: Loading opening balances from Hogia
Within SQL Server Management Studio:
- exec custstg.p_adp_fin_opbal_HOG @client_id = '10'
- exec stg.p_load_finopbal @client_id = '10'
After these steps, the opening balances are loaded into stg.fin_ledgertrans.
And subsequently, they will be updated to <ds> tables fact.fin_ledgertrans and fact.fin_ledgersum (when job for updating datastore is executed).