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Audit Trail

Using an Audit Trail in a form enables you to track all updates made in each specific input cell. By default, Bizview does an instant delete of values when a user updates values in a form; meaning that previous values are removed and the new input values are saved, making it impossible to track changes in input cells back in time. However, if the Audit Trail option is configured in the form, tracking these changes in input cells becomes possible.

This topic contains the following sections:


Activate an Audit Trail in a Form

The criteria for showing the Audit Trail menu is that the template is a FORM, the DELETE_METHOD = 3, and the cell is a measure column.

To Use Audit Trail in a form:

  1. In the Template Design section for a FORM, navigate to the right panel and select Parameters.

  2. Locate the Audit Trail parameter under the Data Update category.

  3. Set the Audit Trail parameter to TRUE to enable it in the form.

Show an Audit Trail in a Form

Open the form and right-click on the actual cell. and select Audit Trail and it will immediately display a set of records of all changes made to the current cell, as the historical database is already created.

Audit Trail displays updated values in chronological order. All data attributes are displayed in each row. Note that Template ID is also included, since the data might have been entered in another template. Cell comments are, however, not included in the Audit Trail.

For more information, see the following topics:


Audit Trail

Using an Audit Trail in a form enables you to track all updates made in each specific input cell. By default, Bizview does an instant delete of values when a user updates values in a form; meaning that previous values are removed and the new input values are saved, making it impossible to track changes in input cells back in time. However, if the Audit Trail option is configured in the form, tracking these changes in input cells becomes possible.

This topic contains the following sections:


Activate an Audit Trail in a Form

The criteria for showing the Audit Trail menu is that the template is a FORM, the DELETE_METHOD = 3, and the cell is a measure column.

To Use Audit Trail in a form:

  1. In the Template Design section for a FORM, navigate to the right panel and select Parameters.

  2. Locate the Audit Trail parameter under the Data Update category.

  3. Set the Audit Trail parameter to TRUE to enable it in the form.

Show an Audit Trail in a Form

Open the form and right-click on the actual cell. and select Audit Trail and it will immediately display a set of records of all changes made to the current cell, as the historical database is already created.

Audit Trail displays updated values in chronological order. All data attributes are displayed in each row. Note that Template ID is also included, since the data might have been entered in another template. Cell comments are, however, not included in the Audit Trail.

For more information, see the following topics:

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