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Create Import Template / Export

It is possible to quickly build a Bizview model importing data from Excel, instead of typing the data in Bizview or building ETL-integration from other systems or databases. You can create an Excel ‘template’ for your client, populate the file in Excel, and then import all the data into Bizview. Another use case for this function is if you want to copy client data from one Bizview installation to another (e.g. from test to production). To copy data from one client to another, you can instead use the copy client function found in Clients.

Access this feature by selecting Client administration > Client Options > Create import template/export client data.

To generate a new Excel template with the correct format and any existing client data, click the check boxes that correspond to the type of data you want the template to contain. Then, select Create. The newly created Excel file contains the data selected in a format that can later be imported using the function Import Client Data.

The generated Excel file contains one sheet for each related data table. Edit the data in the Excel file and save the file to disk. You must close the file in Excel before uploading the file with data back into Bizview.

Note: When editing the data, it’s very important to make sure that data in one sheet is correctly related to data in another sheet. For example, any object value created in the ‘OV’ sheet references a valid ‘Object ID’ in the ‘O’ sheet.


Create Import Template / Export

It is possible to quickly build a Bizview model importing data from Excel, instead of typing the data in Bizview or building ETL-integration from other systems or databases. You can create an Excel ‘template’ for your client, populate the file in Excel, and then import all the data into Bizview. Another use case for this function is if you want to copy client data from one Bizview installation to another (e.g. from test to production). To copy data from one client to another, you can instead use the copy client function found in Clients.

Access this feature by selecting Client administration > Client Options > Create import template/export client data.

To generate a new Excel template with the correct format and any existing client data, click the check boxes that correspond to the type of data you want the template to contain. Then, select Create. The newly created Excel file contains the data selected in a format that can later be imported using the function Import Client Data.

The generated Excel file contains one sheet for each related data table. Edit the data in the Excel file and save the file to disk. You must close the file in Excel before uploading the file with data back into Bizview.

Note: When editing the data, it’s very important to make sure that data in one sheet is correctly related to data in another sheet. For example, any object value created in the ‘OV’ sheet references a valid ‘Object ID’ in the ‘O’ sheet.

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