Add Comment Blocks in Template
Comment blocks are not mandatory when using general comments in reports and forms. If users are satisfied with viewing the general comments in the comments panel to the right in an opened report/form, then comments blocks are not necessary. However, if users want specific comments (comments connected to a specific category and block) to be visible in the spreadsheet, then comment blocks must be added.
To insert general comments made by the end-user into the actual report or form spreadsheet, the template designer must insert comment blocks in the template to specify which type of comment should be inserted and where in the actual spreadsheet the comment should be visible.
Note: Comments visible in comments blocks in the actual spreadsheet will also be visible in the Comments panel to the right.
This topic contains the following sections:
Add Comment Blocks in Template Design
When inserting a comment block, the designer does not need to merge any cells, just mark the row or column in which the comment block should be inserted. A comment block can only be created in cells in ONE row, or cells in ONE column.
Note: You should not mark several rows or several columns when inserting a block. Bizview will automatically merge the cells in the specified row and the row height will automatically adjust when opening the report/form.
Open the template in Template Design and mark the cells in a row or column where you want to insert the comment block.
Then, right-click and select Insert Comment block:
A list of the comment categories and comment blocks that the designer beforehand has added in System Administration - Comment Categories and Blocks displays.
Choose the category and the block you want to insert.
Select Add.
Bizview automatically inserts a BEGIN tag and an END tag in the selected row or selected column. When opening the report/form, Bizview will automatically merge the cells between the BEGIN and END tag.
Save the template.
Insert Comments in a Report/Form
To insert comments in a report or form, complete the following steps:
After adding a comment block in the template, open the report/form.
To insert a comment into the comment block, select General from the ribbon, or right-click in the comment block (in the spreadsheet) and select Add Comment.
If the active cell in the spreadsheet is the comment block cell and the user selects "Add comment", then Bizview will automatically select the category and block connected to the area (as shown in the image below).
If the active cell is any other in the report/form, but the user manually selects the category and block connected to a comment block in the spreadsheet, the added comment will also be inserted and visible in the comment block in the spreadsheet.
Each comment added must be linked to at least one dimension value (tag value). Link a value (tag) by selecting the Add+ button.
It is possible for the designer to predefine linked values in the template so that when the user adds a comment, the Linked values section will already be populated with some tag values. For more information, see Predefined tags.
Note: When running a report or form with a break, the break value will always automatically be added as a linked tag value when adding a comment (in the image above break value UNIT: 100 has automatically been added as a tag value). However, it will not be locked, so the user has the possibility to remove the tag value by clicking on it.
Save and Close.
The comment will be inserted in the comment block in the report spreadsheet. If the user adds another comment in the same category and block, Bizview will just add that comment to the previous comment in the comment block. In other words, a comment block in the spreadsheet can contain several comments in descending order, with the newest comment displaying first.
Comments added in a comment block in the spreadsheet can, of course, also be viewed and edited from the Comments right panel, as shown below: