Currency Codes
- [Currency Pairs] - Currency pairs
- [Currency Rates] - Currency rates
Bizview includes pre-loaded currency codes for each available currency in the world. In this dialog, you select which of these should be available in the Bizview application.
Access Currency Codes by selectingSystem Administration > System options > Currency Codes.
All available Currency Codes display on the right-hand side of the page.
To activate Inactive Currency Codes, select the code to activate and select the green left arrow. The selected Currency Code now displays in the Active currencies list.
To inactivate a Currency Code, highlight the desired active currency and select the green right arrow.
The active currencies are the ones available when creating an Input form. A currency code is mandatory for an input form.
Another usage is to create Currency pairs and then assign Currency rates between these. The defined currency rates are then used in consolidation scenarios when fetching data with different currency codes.