Feature available from Bizview version - Bizview 7.0
= optional in PARAM
Parameter (col A in PARAM) |
Mandatory/Optional |
Value in col C (example) |
Occurrence in PARAM sheet |
Comment |
N/A |
1 |
Important: NOT supported/implemented in v1 templates (new data engine). Hide the allocation warning that displays when opening a form where the spreadkey values have been changed since last update. |
HIDE_ALLOC_WARNING is an optional parameter that can be used to hide the allocation warning dialog that displays when the end-user opens a form and the spreadkeys have been changed since the last time the form was updated.
If the parameter is set to TRUE, then no warning will be visible to the end-user. However, when opening such a form (in which spreadkeys have changed) and the values have been changed, an update is necessary if the new values should be saved.
Access HIDE_ALLOC_WARNING in the Template Design right panel by selecting Parameters > Frequently Used > GENERAL > General parameters.