Feature available from Bizview version - Bizview 6.1
= optional in PARAM
OBJVERSION is an optional parameter that handles which object sets are used when a REPORT or FORM is opened. The objective of this parameter is to pass to the underlying mechanism for generating the data which object structure and then implicit which object sets to use. For example, what version of the object value attribute and object structure data should be used in a multi-object-version scenario. For more information, see Object Versions.
Any object version value containing a - (hyphen) must be stated within { } in PARAM sheet. Otherwise, SQL will not treat this as a unique value and data will not be linked and saved with the specific object version value. A hyphen is treated as a interval in SQL smart.
Access Object Version from the right panel in Template Design by selecting Parameters > Data Dimensions > Object Version.
In the Object Version field you can either enter an object version or formula directly. Or, you can use the buttons to the right to either select an object version from the drop-down or select a CF_GETPANEVALUE formula to retrieve the value from a selection pane.
A Object version ID can also be derived from the planning version. If you want to derive the object version from the planning version, click the toggle box to TRUE and a new field will become visible under the toggle box. In this field, enter or select from which planning version the object version should be derived. If you derive from a planning version then you should not enter any value in the Object Version field.
In the PARAM sheet:
- If the toggle to Derive from planning version is FALSE, then the value from the "Object Version" field will be written to the OBJVERSION parameter in PARAM in column C and the value FALSE in column D.
- IF the toggle to Derive from planning version is TRUE, then the value from "Derive from this planning version" field will be written to the OBJVERSION parameter in PARAM in column C and the value TRUE in column D.
In other words, if the value in column D for OBJVERSION parameter is TRUE, then Bizview will assume that the value in column C = Planning Version ID. If the value in column D for OBJVERSION parameter is FALSE or missing, then Bizview will assume that the value in column C = Object Version ID.