Reset Password
If you do not remember your password to Bizview, select the Forgot your password? link to obtain a temporary password:
Enter your email address associated with your Bizview account and select Send:
You will receive a notification that tells you that an email has been sent to your email address with the new credentials.
Go to your mailbox and copy the temporary password and use it with your username to login to Bizview.
At first login, you will be prompted to change your temporary password.
The password you received in the email will automatically be pasted in the Old password field. Enter a new password in the New password field.
Note: The password must meet the organization's password criteria. Select Show password validation policies to view the rules for your particular company. If your new password does not meet the criteria, you will get an error message.
Confirm the password by re-entering it.
Select Save.
You will get at notification that your password was successfully changed.