Workflow Administration Ribbon
The ribbon in the Workflow Administration grid contains the following options:
Ribbon Button | Description |
Save | Saves the values you added, modified, or deleted in the grid to the database table. This button is visible when the gridform is changed in any way. Note: Always remember to save your values before closing the grid or logging out. |
New | Creates a new workflow. |
Refresh | Refreshes data in the grid. |
Close | Closes the grid. |
Cancel | This button is visible when you modify the grid. Click Cancel to reverse your changes. |
Filter | By default, the filter field displays at the top of the grid upon opening a workflow design. Here, you can select a value that you want to filter the rows by, or you can enter a value to filter on. In some columns, a filter icon displays in the column heading. Select the filter icon within the column heading to choose a filter. Select the filter icon at the top of the grid to hide the filter field altogether. |
Show Archived | Displays archived workflows in the grid. |
Grid Mode | Changes grid mode between paging and scrolling. By default, the grid mode is set to Paging. |
Manage Substitutes | Manages substitutes for workflow users. |