Template Step Settings
While in the Design mode, select the Template Step to view the Step Settings in the right panel:
The following settings are available in Template Steps:
Setting | Description |
Template | Change the template for the selected step(s). |
Deny the responsible to update the form | Change object values for the selected step(s). |
Status Tracking | Choose if you want track the status of the step. If so, both Doer and Responsible need to be defined in order for the tracking to be available in the workflow process. |
Due date | Select a due date. This date is then saved to the database and can be displayed for each step ($DUE_DATE). |
Step Instruction | Insert a step instruction. |
Template Instruction | Associated with the template and will be visible when opening the template. Bizview creates a button in the ribbon called "Instructions", which the end-user clicks to see the Template Instructions. |
Selection Pane Visibility | Bizview automatically evaluates if the selection pane should be shown or not. If a selection pane exists, it will be always shown. |
Doer | Select a Doer for the step. |
Responsible | Select a Responsible for the step. |
Step Format | Specify how the steps should be presented. The following formatting tags are available: $TEMPLATE, $TEMPLATE_TYPE, $TEMPLATE_DESCR, and $DUE_DATE for dynamic presentation. |