Known Errors During Upgrade
This topic lists errors you may encounter during an upgrade, as well as possible solutions.
This topic contains the following sections:
- An error occurred while starting the application
- Binaries and DLL-files are blocked
- Missing columns, problems with inserting pre-loaded data
- Cannot ALTER 'dat.f_constrain_workflow_template' because it is being referenced by object 'CK_workflow_steps#template'
An error occurred while starting the application
If you encounter the following problem:
The most frequent problems is: No modify privileges on the Temp-folder. The installer automatically fixes this, however, if you've manually installed this using the zip-file you need to fix this by hand.
Set modify on Temp-folder:
Binaries and DLL-files are blocked
This error only applies if you manually installed Bizview from the zip-file.
Run the following Powershell command (in administrator mode):
Get-ChildItem 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\bizview' -Recurse | Unblock-File
Missing columns, problems with inserting pre-loaded data
Sometimes DBWizard has problems adding additional columns when the compatibility level is set to 90 on newer SQL versions (2014 and later).
Try changing this to 140 and rerun the DBWizard tool:
Cannot ALTER 'dat.f_constrain_workflow_template' because it is being referenced by object 'CK_workflow_steps#template'
You can drop this constraint and DBWizard will add the constraint again during the upgrade.
ALTERTABLE [dat].[workflow_steps] DROPCONSTRAINT [CK_workflow_steps#template]