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Bizview v23.3 Enhancements

This topic describes the significant enhancements in Bizview v23.3.

Conditional Entry/No Entry

This release introduces two new cell commands, Conditional Entry and Conditional No Entry. Conditional Entry/No Entry functions the same as the Entry/No Entry command, but it allows you to define a set of conditions that must be satisfied for cell entry in a form.

Note: The steps to apply, format, edit, and delete the cell commands are the same for both Conditional Entry and No Entry. The steps and demonstrations below detail these processes for Conditional Entry. For more information, see #CONDITIONALENTRY and #CONDITIONALNOENTRY.

To access this feature, right-click a cell in your template and select Cell Commands.

Then, select #CONDITIONALENTRY from the drop-down list:

A Conditional Entry dialog displays, as shown below:

To add a rule, select +New.

A right panel displays, as shown below:

Choose whether you want your rule to be based on Cell Values or Formulas. By default, Cell Values is selected.

Select the Operation drop-down and choose an operation from the list.

Enter the value(s) in the Value 1 and 2 fields, if necessary.

In the example below, if the cell value is between 0 and 100 then it will allow it as entry:

Repeat the previous steps to add up to two additional rules. Rules are applied in the order shown, with a maximum of three rules.

To change the order, select the rule, then utilize the Up and Down buttons, as demonstrated below:

Don't forget to select Apply!

Functionality for Conditional No Entry commands is the same, the only difference is, if the condition is satisfied it will apply the no entry command.

Formatting Conditional Entry/No Entry

Format the cell by changing the font style, font color, and background color in the right panel of the Conditional Entry or No Entry dialog.

To edit formatting, first select the rule:

The right panel displays, with formatting options displaying at the top of the dialog.

As you customize the Conditional Entry/No Entry cell format, the Format Preview section allows you to preview these changes, as demonstrated below:

Select Apply to take all of the created rules, their content and formatting, and apply this to the cell/selection of cells originally selected.

Or, select Cancel to revert all changes and close the dialogue.

Edit or Remove Conditional Entry/No Entry

Any cell(s) containing a command will be visible with an orange triangle in the bottom-left corner, as shown below:

To edit your rule's content or formatting, right-click the marked cell and select Cell Commands.

The command that is currently applied to the selected cell displays at the top of the list. Select the cell command:

A Conditional Entry (or No Entry) dialog displays. Select the rule you want to edit:

Conditions for the rule display in the right panel, where you can make the necessary changes. Don't forget to select Apply!

Once the rule is selected, the Delete button becomes active. To remove the rule altogether, select Delete:

The rule is removed from the list, but is not removed from the template until you select Apply.

To revert any changes or deletions, select Cancel. All changes made in the dialogue will be forgotten and the dialogue will close.

Drag and Drop - Column Bulk Edits

Template designers now have the ability to make bulk edits to design columns. Expanding on the Drag and Drop feature released in v23.2, this enhancement provides a more efficient way to make the same change across different Data View fields.

Bulk Edits - Duplicate Fields

Instead of repeatedly dragging and dropping a Data View field into the Columns drop box, you can now select a Data View field to duplicate.

Select the duplicate field icon next to the column you want to duplicate:

A Number of Copies dialog displays, as shown below:

Enter a number between '1' and '100' and select Duplicate:

Bizview displays the duplicate fields in the Columns drop box, as shown below:

Bulk Edits - Add a Filter

This feature also includes the ability to apply a time filter to the Data View field(s) so that the column data presented in the report is specific to a given time period. Available time filters include the following:





To apply bulk edits to individual design columns, select the check box next to the columns you want to edit.

Then, select the bulk edits pencil icon:

Note: The bulk edit (pencil) icon is only active when two, or more, columns are selected.

Bulk Change Settings display in a pop-out menu to the left of the Data Bindings, as shown below:

Select the + icon in the Add Filter field.

Then, choose a time value to apply to the selected columns:

Enter the Iso start date in the text box, using the suggested format, as demonstrated below:

Entering an invalid format will prompt an "Invalid value" error, shown below. Select the X to clear the format and enter an acceptable value:

Finally, select Apply. Bizview displays the filter in the selected design columns, as demonstrated below:

Remove the time filter from one of the selected columns by selecting the trash can icon in Settings, as shown below:

Or, remove the filter from all of the applied columns via the bulk edit, as shown below:

Bulk Edits - Delete All Columns

In addition to making bulk edits to the template columns, designers can also delete Data View fields in bulk.

To remove all design columns, select the check box next to Columns in the Data Bindings right panel:

Note: Once the select all Columns check box has been checked, if you uncheck one Data View field, the select all check box will be unchecked.

Then, select the x icon:

A Delete Columns dialog displays, as shown below, asking you to confirm the removal of all Data View fields:

To continue, select Yes. To undo this action, select No.

Bulk Edits - Delete Individual Columns

To remove specific design columns, select the check box next to the columns you want to delete.

Then, select the bulk edits x icon:

Note: The bulk delete (x) icon is only active when two, or more, columns are selected.

A Delete Columns dialog displays, as shown below, asking you to confirm the removal of all Data View fields:

To continue, select Yes. To undo this action, select No.

Drag and Drop - Rows SQL Syntax

Template designers can now edit design rows using the Drag and Drop feature. Settings include the ability to auto expand rows and add Search Values using SQL Smart Syntax. Prior to this enhancement, the Search Value field was a text box where you could manually enter the Smart SQL Syntax. This feature now includes a SQL Syntax Helper list that helps you create a smart SQL query so that you can see the list of queries that you can use to filter a Data View field.

To access design row settings, select the pencil icon next to the row you want to edit:

Settings display in a pop-out menu to the left of the Data Bindings, as shown below:

Select ON or OFF to toggle the Auto Expand Rows feature.

Manually enter a Search Value or select the SQL icon to view available SQL queries, shown below:

Below is a list of the available SQL Syntax patterns:

SQL Syntax Pattern Description Example
Separate Search Values (=) Constructs separate search values (=) query, allowing you to search a single value. VALUE
List with Several Values (IN) Constructs a list with several values (IN) query, allowing you to define a list of several search values for the same search item. VALUE1#VALUE2#VALUE3
Interval (Between) Constructs an interval (BETWEEN) search value, allowing you to find an interval of values. VALUE1..VALUE2
Search (Like) - Start With Constructs a Search (LIKE) start with search value, allowing you to find all object values that start with the given search value. VALUE*
Search (Like) - End With Constructs a Search (LIKE) end with search value, allowing you to find all object values that end with the given search value. *VALUE
Search (Like) - Contains Constructs a Search (LIKE) contains search value, allowing you to find all object values containing the given search value in the given position. ??VALUE?
Exception (NOT) Constructs an Exception (NOT) search value, allowing you to specify conditions with exceptions (i.e. search an interval of accounts with the exception of some accounts). !VALUE

Upon selecting a search value from the list, Bizview inserts 'VALUE' as placeholder for the user input values in the Search Value text box. For example, if you select the search pattern Separate Search Values (=) and the Data View field is 'ACCOUNT', the placeholder query will be 'VALUE'.

Select Apply to confirm your new settings. The Smart SQL Syntax displays both in the Row drop box, as well as the template, as shown below:

You also have the ability to change the currently selected SQL Smart pattern if you wish to use another. Selecting a new pattern overwrites the existing pattern placeholder in the template.

Set Default Formatting - General Comments

This release, Bizview introduces a new setting that allows you to define a default font style for General comments in the template. The Comment Formatting setting can be applied on both the Client and Application level.

Note: If a setting is defined for both Client and Application level, the Client-level settings take precedence.

Access this feature by selecting the Settings icon from the menu:

In the Other section, select Comment Formatting:

The subsection expands to expose the level of settings. Choose either Client or Application:

The Comment Formatting settings display, as shown below:

Here, you can change the font, size, color, and style for comments. As you customize the format, the Sample Text section to the right allows you to preview these changes, as demonstrated below:

For more information, see Client Other and Application Other.

What's Fixed?

For more information on bug fixes, see Bizview v23.3 Release Notes


Bizview v23.3 Enhancements

This topic describes the significant enhancements in Bizview v23.3.

Conditional Entry/No Entry

This release introduces two new cell commands, Conditional Entry and Conditional No Entry. Conditional Entry/No Entry functions the same as the Entry/No Entry command, but it allows you to define a set of conditions that must be satisfied for cell entry in a form.

Note: The steps to apply, format, edit, and delete the cell commands are the same for both Conditional Entry and No Entry. The steps and demonstrations below detail these processes for Conditional Entry. For more information, see #CONDITIONALENTRY and #CONDITIONALNOENTRY.

To access this feature, right-click a cell in your template and select Cell Commands.

Then, select #CONDITIONALENTRY from the drop-down list:

A Conditional Entry dialog displays, as shown below:

To add a rule, select +New.

A right panel displays, as shown below:

Choose whether you want your rule to be based on Cell Values or Formulas. By default, Cell Values is selected.

Select the Operation drop-down and choose an operation from the list.

Enter the value(s) in the Value 1 and 2 fields, if necessary.

In the example below, if the cell value is between 0 and 100 then it will allow it as entry:

Repeat the previous steps to add up to two additional rules. Rules are applied in the order shown, with a maximum of three rules.

To change the order, select the rule, then utilize the Up and Down buttons, as demonstrated below:

Don't forget to select Apply!

Functionality for Conditional No Entry commands is the same, the only difference is, if the condition is satisfied it will apply the no entry command.

Formatting Conditional Entry/No Entry

Format the cell by changing the font style, font color, and background color in the right panel of the Conditional Entry or No Entry dialog.

To edit formatting, first select the rule:

The right panel displays, with formatting options displaying at the top of the dialog.

As you customize the Conditional Entry/No Entry cell format, the Format Preview section allows you to preview these changes, as demonstrated below:

Select Apply to take all of the created rules, their content and formatting, and apply this to the cell/selection of cells originally selected.

Or, select Cancel to revert all changes and close the dialogue.

Edit or Remove Conditional Entry/No Entry

Any cell(s) containing a command will be visible with an orange triangle in the bottom-left corner, as shown below:

To edit your rule's content or formatting, right-click the marked cell and select Cell Commands.

The command that is currently applied to the selected cell displays at the top of the list. Select the cell command:

A Conditional Entry (or No Entry) dialog displays. Select the rule you want to edit:

Conditions for the rule display in the right panel, where you can make the necessary changes. Don't forget to select Apply!

Once the rule is selected, the Delete button becomes active. To remove the rule altogether, select Delete:

The rule is removed from the list, but is not removed from the template until you select Apply.

To revert any changes or deletions, select Cancel. All changes made in the dialogue will be forgotten and the dialogue will close.

Drag and Drop - Column Bulk Edits

Template designers now have the ability to make bulk edits to design columns. Expanding on the Drag and Drop feature released in v23.2, this enhancement provides a more efficient way to make the same change across different Data View fields.

Bulk Edits - Duplicate Fields

Instead of repeatedly dragging and dropping a Data View field into the Columns drop box, you can now select a Data View field to duplicate.

Select the duplicate field icon next to the column you want to duplicate:

A Number of Copies dialog displays, as shown below:

Enter a number between '1' and '100' and select Duplicate:

Bizview displays the duplicate fields in the Columns drop box, as shown below:

Bulk Edits - Add a Filter

This feature also includes the ability to apply a time filter to the Data View field(s) so that the column data presented in the report is specific to a given time period. Available time filters include the following:





To apply bulk edits to individual design columns, select the check box next to the columns you want to edit.

Then, select the bulk edits pencil icon:

Note: The bulk edit (pencil) icon is only active when two, or more, columns are selected.

Bulk Change Settings display in a pop-out menu to the left of the Data Bindings, as shown below:

Select the + icon in the Add Filter field.

Then, choose a time value to apply to the selected columns:

Enter the Iso start date in the text box, using the suggested format, as demonstrated below:

Entering an invalid format will prompt an "Invalid value" error, shown below. Select the X to clear the format and enter an acceptable value:

Finally, select Apply. Bizview displays the filter in the selected design columns, as demonstrated below:

Remove the time filter from one of the selected columns by selecting the trash can icon in Settings, as shown below:

Or, remove the filter from all of the applied columns via the bulk edit, as shown below:

Bulk Edits - Delete All Columns

In addition to making bulk edits to the template columns, designers can also delete Data View fields in bulk.

To remove all design columns, select the check box next to Columns in the Data Bindings right panel:

Note: Once the select all Columns check box has been checked, if you uncheck one Data View field, the select all check box will be unchecked.

Then, select the x icon:

A Delete Columns dialog displays, as shown below, asking you to confirm the removal of all Data View fields:

To continue, select Yes. To undo this action, select No.

Bulk Edits - Delete Individual Columns

To remove specific design columns, select the check box next to the columns you want to delete.

Then, select the bulk edits x icon:

Note: The bulk delete (x) icon is only active when two, or more, columns are selected.

A Delete Columns dialog displays, as shown below, asking you to confirm the removal of all Data View fields:

To continue, select Yes. To undo this action, select No.

Drag and Drop - Rows SQL Syntax

Template designers can now edit design rows using the Drag and Drop feature. Settings include the ability to auto expand rows and add Search Values using SQL Smart Syntax. Prior to this enhancement, the Search Value field was a text box where you could manually enter the Smart SQL Syntax. This feature now includes a SQL Syntax Helper list that helps you create a smart SQL query so that you can see the list of queries that you can use to filter a Data View field.

To access design row settings, select the pencil icon next to the row you want to edit:

Settings display in a pop-out menu to the left of the Data Bindings, as shown below:

Select ON or OFF to toggle the Auto Expand Rows feature.

Manually enter a Search Value or select the SQL icon to view available SQL queries, shown below:

Below is a list of the available SQL Syntax patterns:

SQL Syntax Pattern Description Example
Separate Search Values (=) Constructs separate search values (=) query, allowing you to search a single value. VALUE
List with Several Values (IN) Constructs a list with several values (IN) query, allowing you to define a list of several search values for the same search item. VALUE1#VALUE2#VALUE3
Interval (Between) Constructs an interval (BETWEEN) search value, allowing you to find an interval of values. VALUE1..VALUE2
Search (Like) - Start With Constructs a Search (LIKE) start with search value, allowing you to find all object values that start with the given search value. VALUE*
Search (Like) - End With Constructs a Search (LIKE) end with search value, allowing you to find all object values that end with the given search value. *VALUE
Search (Like) - Contains Constructs a Search (LIKE) contains search value, allowing you to find all object values containing the given search value in the given position. ??VALUE?
Exception (NOT) Constructs an Exception (NOT) search value, allowing you to specify conditions with exceptions (i.e. search an interval of accounts with the exception of some accounts). !VALUE

Upon selecting a search value from the list, Bizview inserts 'VALUE' as placeholder for the user input values in the Search Value text box. For example, if you select the search pattern Separate Search Values (=) and the Data View field is 'ACCOUNT', the placeholder query will be 'VALUE'.

Select Apply to confirm your new settings. The Smart SQL Syntax displays both in the Row drop box, as well as the template, as shown below:

You also have the ability to change the currently selected SQL Smart pattern if you wish to use another. Selecting a new pattern overwrites the existing pattern placeholder in the template.

Set Default Formatting - General Comments

This release, Bizview introduces a new setting that allows you to define a default font style for General comments in the template. The Comment Formatting setting can be applied on both the Client and Application level.

Note: If a setting is defined for both Client and Application level, the Client-level settings take precedence.

Access this feature by selecting the Settings icon from the menu:

In the Other section, select Comment Formatting:

The subsection expands to expose the level of settings. Choose either Client or Application:

The Comment Formatting settings display, as shown below:

Here, you can change the font, size, color, and style for comments. As you customize the format, the Sample Text section to the right allows you to preview these changes, as demonstrated below:

For more information, see Client Other and Application Other.

What's Fixed?

For more information on bug fixes, see Bizview v23.3 Release Notes

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