Planning Data
Bizview has a standardized interface (staging table stg.data_cells) for integration of planning data.
This topic contains the following sections:
This is the table where planning data should be inserted from the pre-system.
A detailed description of the table and its columns is not specified here (see separate document for detailed description of stg.data_cells).
Inserting Data into Bizview Planning Data Tables
Bizview has a standard procedure which handles import of planning data, from the staging table to Bizview planning data tables. Tables that are updated in Bizview are dat.data_cells and dat.data_dimensions. The procedure that handles import of planning data is stg.p_update_data_cells. Functionality in this procedure is specified below.
Parameters to stg.p_update_data_cells
@client_id: Client_Id (mandatory)
@job_id: Automatically filled in by calling step in Bizview processing services
@step_no: Automatically filled in by calling step in Bizview processing services
@detail_log: 0 = No detail logging, 1 = Details will be logged to log table in Bizview
@delete_method: Should be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 9. (See detailed explanations below)
@del_obj_id_1: See section below.
@del_objval_id_1: See section below.
@del_obj_id_2: See section below.
@del_objval_id_2: See section below.
@del_obj_id_3: See section below.
@del_objval_id_3: See section below.
Parameters to stg.p_update_data_cells
@client_id: Client_Id (mandatory)
@job_id: Automatically filled in by calling step in Bizview processing services
@step_no: Automatically filled in by calling step in Bizview processing services
@detail_log: 0 = No detail logging, 1 = Details will be logged to log table in Bizview
@delete_method: Should be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 9. (See detailed explanations below)
@del_obj_id_1: See section below.
@del_objval_id_1: See section below.
@del_obj_id_2: See section below.
@del_objval_id_2: See section below.
@del_obj_id_3: See section below.
@del_objval_id_3: See section below.
Delete method 0 (version and value type)
Delete will be done by version and value types. Only the values that exists in the stg.data_cells will be deleted.
Example (pseudo code):
delete from <planning data table>
where version = <exists in staging table> and
valuetype = <exists in staging table>
Delete Method 1 (version and value type + time units min/max values)
This is the same as method 0 but with the extension that time values within the stage data will also be added to the filter for deletion.
Example (pseudo code):
delete from <planning data table>
where version = <exists in staging table> and
valuetype = <exists in staging table> and
timeunit = staging table.time_unit and
timevalue >= min(staging table.timevalue) and
timevalue <= max(staging table.timevalue)
Delete Method 2 (version and value type + object filters)
This is the same as method 0, but with the extension that object values will also be added to the filter for deletion.
Example (pseudo code):
@del_obj_id_1 DEPARTMENT
@del_objval_id_1 1*
delete from <planning data table>
where version = <exists in staging table> and
valuetype = <exists in staging table> and
object = DEPARTMENT and
objectvalue like '1%'
Note: You can use the full SQL Smart Syntax for object value filters, e.g. 1*, 100..200, 100#200#300 and so on.
Delete method 3 (version and value type + object filters)
Delete method 3 is the combination of delete methods 0, 1 and 2.
Example (pseudo code):
delete from <planning data table>
where /* method 0 */
version = <exists in staging table> and
valuetype = <exists in staging table> and
/* method 1 */
timeunit = staging table.time_unit and
timevalue >= min(staging table.timevalue) and
timevalue <= max(staging table.timevalue) and
/* method 2 */
object = DEPARTMENT and
objectvalue in('100', '200', '300')
Delete method 9 (no automatic delete filters)
Delete method 9 will disable deletion of existing planning data.
You can use this method in special cases when you want to control the deletion of existing data through a custom procedure.
Example: Integrate Planning Data
Integration of planning data can either be done by a simple TSQL script, preferably when this is a one-time load of planning data into the Bizview database.
Or, if loading planning data from external sources into Bizview is a recurring activity, then this would be best suited by setting up a Bizview Processing Service job.
Example: TSQL script (one-time load)
/* load data to stage */
DELETE from [stg].[data_cells] where client_id = 'BIZCOMPANY'
INSERT INTO [stg].[data_cells]
'ISOMONTH', period,
'ACCOUNT', account,
'DEPT', department,
null, null,
null, null,
null, null,
null, null,
null, null,
null, null,
null, null,
null, null,
getdate(), null,
null, null
from erpsystem.dbo.Budget
where period between '201401' and '201412'
/* update data to Bizview planning tables */
exec [stg].[p_update_data_cells]
@client_id = 'BIZCOMPANY',
@delete_method = 1,
@del_obj_id_1 = null,
@del_objval_id_1 = null,
@del_obj_id_2 = null,
@del_objval_id_2 = null,
@del_obj_id_3 = null,
@del_objval_id_3 = null
Next step:Example: Easy Integration