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Optional parameter in PARAM = optional in PARAM

Parameter (col A in PARAM)


Value in col C (example)

Value in col D (example)

Value in col E (example)

Occurrence in PARAM sheet





Optional parameter in PARAM

Optional parameter in PARAM


(Auto, Right, Down)




Possibility to decide how the ENTER key should move in a specific template. Options include: Auto (to the right between only input cells in a FORM ), Right, or Down. Overrides the settings for Enter Behavior.

ENTER_BEHAVIOR in PARAM is used to override general application client or user settings for Enter behavior. By defining this parameter in a specific template, the general setting is overwritten and how the ENTER key should behave in the particular template is decided by the parameter value.

The parameter in PARAM is only used when the template is generated (not in Template design). In Template design, the user setting is used.

Access this feature in the Template Design right panel by selecting Parameters > General Parameters > Enter Behavior:


  • Value 0 = Down= The marker will move down to the next cell when pressing the ENTER key.
  • Value 1 = Right = The marker will move to the right when pressing the ENTER key (between both locked and open cells).
  • Value 2 =  Auto = Default state. The marker will move to the right only between input cells when pressing the ENTER key. For example, in a FORM, the marker will move to the next row with an input cell when the last input cell is active on another row.





Optional parameter in PARAM = optional in PARAM

Parameter (col A in PARAM)


Value in col C (example)

Value in col D (example)

Value in col E (example)

Occurrence in PARAM sheet





Optional parameter in PARAM

Optional parameter in PARAM


(Auto, Right, Down)




Possibility to decide how the ENTER key should move in a specific template. Options include: Auto (to the right between only input cells in a FORM ), Right, or Down. Overrides the settings for Enter Behavior.

ENTER_BEHAVIOR in PARAM is used to override general application client or user settings for Enter behavior. By defining this parameter in a specific template, the general setting is overwritten and how the ENTER key should behave in the particular template is decided by the parameter value.

The parameter in PARAM is only used when the template is generated (not in Template design). In Template design, the user setting is used.

Access this feature in the Template Design right panel by selecting Parameters > General Parameters > Enter Behavior:


  • Value 0 = Down= The marker will move down to the next cell when pressing the ENTER key.
  • Value 1 = Right = The marker will move to the right when pressing the ENTER key (between both locked and open cells).
  • Value 2 =  Auto = Default state. The marker will move to the right only between input cells when pressing the ENTER key. For example, in a FORM, the marker will move to the next row with an input cell when the last input cell is active on another row.



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