Jobs Log
Upon selecting the Jobs icon in the main menu, the Jobs log displays to the right, as shown below:
In the log you can view information about executed jobs, like the ID, status, and duration. The table is grouped by Job State. For example, the jobs unable to execute successfully display in the State: Exception group. Minimize each State group by selecting the gray arrow to the left in the group row, shown below:
To get detailed information about a specific job, click the jobs ID link to view information about the different steps within the job:
Select a job step to display detailed information about that particular step:
The log also indicates if steps are successful or not.
If a job returns a warning, select the job to get more information about which step returned a warning. Then, select the step that displays a warning to get more information. For some integration job steps, you can also view rejected steps to locate which data records returned the warning.