Disable/Enable Workflow Steps
Workflow designers have the ability to disable or enable workflow steps in Design mode. Once deactivated, admins can then reactivate the step with the click of a button, rather than recreating each disabled step.
Important: This feature is only available for users who have access to the workflow in design mode, such as workflow superusers and users with the BV20 role.
This topic contains the following sections:
Enable/Disable a Workflow Step
Enable/Disable Multiple Workflow Steps
Disable/Enable a Workflow Step
To disable an individual workflow step, select the Workflow icon from the menu and select Design mode:
Then, select the Workflow ID.
Right-click the step and select Disable:
Upon disabling a workflow step, a lock icon displays, as shown below:
Prior to saving, you can utilize the Undo/Redo function to reverse disabled/enabled steps back to their previous state.
Upon selecting Save, the disabled step no longer displays in the workflow Preview.
To publish the workflow and exclude the disabled step, select Publish. Once published, you will no longer be able to view the steps from the workflow menu, as shown below:
You may enable the step at any time by accessing the workflow in design mode, right-clicking, and selecting Enable:
After enabling, you must Save and Publish the workflow for the steps to appear in the workflow menu again. Once enabled, the workflow step reverts back to the "Initiated" status, as shown below:
Enable/Disable Multiple Workflow Steps
Administrators can also enable or disable numerous steps in the workflow at once via the Manage Steps (previously Insert Steps) tab in the Workflow Design ribbon.
Access the workflow in design mode and select Manage Steps:
Then, press Ctrl on your keyboard and select the steps you want to disable.
Once you've selected all the steps, select Disable Steps from the ribbon:
Upon disabling the workflow steps, a lock icon displays, as shown below:
Prior to saving, you can utilize the Undo/Redo function to reverse disabled/enabled steps back to their previous state.
Upon selecting Save, the disabled steps no longer display in the workflow Preview.
To publish the workflow and exclude the disabled step, select Publish. Once published, you will no longer be able to view the steps from the workflow menu.
You may enable the step at any time by accessing the workflow in design mode and selecting Enable Steps from the Manage Steps ribbon:
After enabling, you must Save and Publish the workflow for the steps to appear in the workflow menu again. Once enabled, the workflow step reverts back to the "Initiated" status.