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Inserting Text

Select the Insert tab in the ribbon, and select Text to insert a text area into the dashboard:

Text example:


To view available settings, access General Settings in the right panel:

Below is a list of General Settings:



Show Title

Displays the title above the dasharea (ON/OFF).


The title of the dasharea.


Select a background color for the area.

Show Border

Show a border around the area (ON/OFF).

Text Alignment

Choose how to align the text (Left, Center, or Right).

Font Size Enter a size for the text's font.

Text Bold

Mark the check box for bold text.

Text Italic

Mark the check box for italic text.

Note: Many of the ON/OFF settings display even more settings if turned ON.


Inserting Text

Select the Insert tab in the ribbon, and select Text to insert a text area into the dashboard:

Text example:


To view available settings, access General Settings in the right panel:

Below is a list of General Settings:



Show Title

Displays the title above the dasharea (ON/OFF).


The title of the dasharea.


Select a background color for the area.

Show Border

Show a border around the area (ON/OFF).

Text Alignment

Choose how to align the text (Left, Center, or Right).

Font Size Enter a size for the text's font.

Text Bold

Mark the check box for bold text.

Text Italic

Mark the check box for italic text.

Note: Many of the ON/OFF settings display even more settings if turned ON.

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