Set up Dialogues
This topic describes the process for setting up dialogues in the Bizview Web Application.
The first dialogue asks you to select the destination folder and application name for the installation. The default folder is C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ and the recommended name is "bizview".
- Targetdir: You have the option to select other Target directory.
Appname: You can enter a custom name for the application. This name will be the install folder name as well as the IIS site name. If you are doing an update of an existing installation you should enter the same name as used for the original installation (i.e. the folder name of the Bizview application under wwwroot)
Caution: Only use lowercase letters in the Appname, otherwise there can be problems regarding the base-href.
- Click Next, the installation continues.
Before the installation begins you get a chance to go back end edit your settings:
- Click Install, the installation begins.
The installation progress is shown in the next dialogue:
When the Bizview Application installation is done, the MSI installer will ask you if you would like to continue with the database installation. See Database Installation.
During the installation above, three folders have been created on the application server:
- The web application folder under wwwroot containing the Bizview web application.
- C:\Program Files\NCG Group\Bizview\ containing tools, files, and the different Bizview services available.
- C:\bizview containing temporary files created by Bizview during different operations.
If you select Yes the database installation wizard opens. For more information, see Install Bizview Databases.
If you choose No, the DBWizard can always be started manually from the installation folder (C:\Program files\NCG Group\Bizview\DBWizard\Application\).
Next Step New Installation: Bizview Databases
Next Step Upgrade: Upgrading an Existing Bizview Application Database