Bizview from insightsoftware

Bizview Reference Overview
Bizview Reference OverviewThis section contains the following topics: ParametersCustom FunctionsSyntax for SQL SmartTemplate CommandsTemplate Variables
ParametersThe Bizview application contains a number of different parameters that should be used when designing templates. Parameters defined in the PARAM sheet are global parameters that apply to all data sources in the document. Parameters that are specified in either column A or row 1 are specific parameters for either columns or rows.Parameters in Bizview:Parameters in PARAMParameters in Col...
Parameters in PARAM
Parameters in PARAMIcon Description = mandatory in PARAM = mandatory in PARAM or in template worksheet = mandatory in combination with another parameter, otherwise optional = optional in PARAMParameters defined in the PARAM sheet are global parameters that apply to all data sources in the document.This topic contains the following sections:General ParametersCommon Parameters in PARAMFORM Spec...
SHEETNAME         =mandatory in PARAM sheet                                                                                                                        Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORTSHEETNAMETEMPLATE1 The parameter value needs to correspond to the actual template worksheet name.SHEETNAME is a general parameter th...
DATASTORERelated InformationDATASTOREEXCLUDE_COLUMNS_DS - Exclude columns in #findataBizview VersionFeature available from Bizview version - Bizview 5.2 = optional in PARAM if DS (Datastore) is used as SOURCE in template  Access Datastore Parameters from Template Design by selecting Parameters > Datastore > PARAMETERS > Populate procedure parameters.Below is a list of available parameters:Param...
EXCLUDE_COLUMNS_DSRelated InformationDATASTOREExclude Columns #plandata - Detailed SpecificationBizview VersionFeature available from Bizview version - Bizview  7.2 = optional in PARAM Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMREPORTEXCLUDE_COLUMNS_DScolumn IDs1Option to exclude obsolete columns in the #findata procedure to improve ...
CLIENT=mandatory in PARAM sheet  Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Value in col D (example)Occurrence in PARAMCommentFORMSREPORTCLIENT$CLIENTClient IDs for retrieving valuese.g. NCG#NCGDEV1If $CLIENT, then value will be exchanged with logged in client. If a specific client is stated, then only that client can use the template.CLIENT is a general parameter that ...
USER=mandatory in PARAM sheet                                                                                                                        Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORTUSER$USER1If $USER, then value will be exchanged with logged in user. If a specific user is stated, then only that user can use the templ...
TEMPLATE_TYPE=mandatory in PARAM sheet                                                                                                                        Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORTTEMPLATE_TYPEFORM/ REPORT/WEBLINK1Defines the type of template (Form, Report, or Weblink).TEMPLATE_TYPE is a general parameter t...
SEARCHCOLRelated InformationSEARCHCOL in row 1SEARCHVAL=  optional in PARAM or in template worksheet (FORM)                                                                                                Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Value in col D (example)Value in col E (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORTSEARCHCOL<OBJECT>N/AN/Ax times dep...
FORM_TAGRelated InformationFORM_TAGBizview VersionFeature available from Bizview version - Bizview 7.0 = optional in PARAM Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Value in col D (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORTFORM_TAG<tag value>optional, <tag value(s)> if other tag(s) should be fetched than in column C1Used to tag saved data with a unique value.F...
ADDSHEETRelated InformationADDSHEET in Column AADDSHEET_TOTALTOTALSHEET_FIRST<GLOBAL FILTERS>ADDSHEET_PROCADDSHEET_NAME= optional in PARAM sheet  Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C Value in col D Value in col E (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMREPORTADSHEET_PROC<OBJECT>N/AN/A1This parameter can be used if a new worksheet should be created for each specified o...
ADDSHEET_PROCRelated InformationADDSHEETADDSHEET in Column AADDSHEET_TOTAL<OBJECT>Bizview VersionFeature available from Bizview version - Bizview 2011 (1.0630.1705)= optional PARAM sheetParameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C Value in col D Value in col E (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMREPORTADSHEET_PROC<procedure name>N/AN/A1Instead of using the object values s...
VIEW_EMPTY_ADDSHEETSRelated InformationADDSHEET in Column AADDSHEET_TOTAL<OBJECT>ADDSHEET_PROCBizview VersionFeature available from Bizview version -Bizview 2011 (1.0928.2019))Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Occurrance in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORTVIEW_EMPTY_ADDSHEETSN/ATRUE/FALSE1Only sheets with values will be visible for the end-user and the sheets with...
USE_SAVED_OBJECTSBizview VersionFeature available from Bizview version - Bizview 7.1 = optional in PARAM Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMREPORTUSE_SAVED_OBJECTSTRUE/FALSE1Override the Bizview logic of  retrieving parent values from any existing object tree. Bizview assumes that data is stored for the lowest level in an obje...
ADDSHEET_TOTALRelated InformationADDSHEETTOTALSHEET_FIRST= optional PARAM sheetParameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMREPORTADDSHEET_TOTALN/A<worksheet name>1If the ADDSHEET parameter is used, then this optional parameter can be used for REPORTS if a total worksheet should be created when break reports have been generated.ADDSHEET_TOTAL is...
TOTALSHEET_FIRST = optional in PARAM Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORTTOTALSHEET_FIRSTN/ATRUE/FALSE1In reports with ADDSHEET functionality the total sheet is placed last in the worksheet tabs. To place the total sheet first you set this parameter to TRUE.TOTALSHEET_FIRST is a REPORT specific parameter  to manage where...
EXCLUDE_COLUMNSRelated InformationExclude Columns - Detailed SpecificationBizview VersionFeature available from Bizview version - Bizview  7.2 = optional in PARAM Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMREPORTEXCLUDE_COLUMNScolumn IDs1Possibility to exclude obsolete columns in the #plandata procedure to improve performance when op...
NEW_DATA_BINDINGRelated InformationParameters in PARAMData (New Design)Data Bindings = optional in PARAM                                                                                                                    Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORTNEW_DATA_BINDINGAvailable from Bizview 23.2N/AENABLED/DISABLED1 En...
Exclude Columns - Detailed Specification
Exclude Columns - Detailed SpecificationRelated InformationEXCLUDE_COLUMNSBizview VersionFeature available from Bizview version - Bizview  7.2When using #plandata (like BV columns or BIZVIEW/#plandata) by executing dat.p_data_cells_populate and the table dat.data_cells contains a large amount of rows, the procedure may take long time to execute if the selection results in many rows. To improve ...
<OBJECT>Related InformationADDSHEET         = mandatory in combination with another parameter; otherwise, optional                                                                                                  ParameterMandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Value in col D (example)Value in col E (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORT<OBJECT><object value(s)><object value(s)>...
ADDINFOnRelated InformationADDINFOn in Col A= optional in PARAM sheet                                                                                                                      Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Value in col D (example)Value in col E (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORTADDINFOn<DATASOURCE><SQL query>N/Axnumber of timesU...
VIEWTAGRelated InformationROWTYPECOLTYPE= optional in PARAM sheet                                                                                                                        Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Value in col D (example)Value in col E (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORTVIEWTAG<Tag ID><Description>TRUE/FALSExnumber of time...
SCALERelated InformationSCALE (Col A)= optional in PARAM sheet                                                                                                                        Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Value in col D (example)Value in col E (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORTSCALE-1000N/AN/Ax number of times if sections exists in ...
ENTER_BEHAVIOR    Bizview VersionFeature available from Bizview version - Bizview  7.0 = optional in PARAM Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Value in col D (example)Value in col E (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORTENTER_BEHAVIOR0/1/2(Auto, Right, Down)N/AN/A1Possibility to decide how the ENTER key should move in a specific template. Options in...
OLD_GENERATIONBizview VersionFeature available from Bizview version - Bizview 7.0= optional in PARAM                                                                                                                        Parameter (col A in PARAM)Value in col C (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentOLD_GENERATIONTRUE/FALSE1Generates report/form old way.When Bizview 7.0 was released, the SQL q...
TRACERelated InformationShort Commands to Trigger TRACE (generate document)Short Command to Trigger TRACE (update form)Tracing #plandata= optional in PARAM sheet                                                                                                                        Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Value in col D (example)Value in col E (example)...
Short Command to TRACE (Generate Document)
Short Command to TRACE (Generate Document)Related InformationTRACETracing #plandataInstead of changing the TRACE parameter in the PARAM sheet to TRUE each time a trace should be done when generating a document, there are quicker ways to trigger a TRACE.This topic contains the following sections:Short Command 1Short Command 2 (versions prior to Bizview 7.0.4)Short Command 2 (versions from Bizvie...
Short Command to TRACE (Update Form)
Short Command to TRACE (Update Form)Related InformationTRACETracing #plandataInstead of changing the TRACE parameter in the PARAM sheet to TRUE each time a trace should be done when updating a form, there is a quicker way to trigger a TRACE.When clicking the Update button in the Update Values dialog, hold Ctrl+Shift. Then, TRACE will be set as TRUE (even though the parameter is not changed in ...
GLOBAL FILTERSRelated InformationADDSHEET       =  optional                                                                                        Parameter (col A in PARAM)Mandatory/OptionalValue in col C (example)Value in col D FORM(example)Value in col E (example)Occurrence in PARAM sheetCommentFORMSREPORT<OBJECT> or other data view field<filter value(s)><filter value(s)>      if other fil...
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