Feature available from Bizview version - Bizview 7.0
= optional in PARAM
Parameter (col A in PARAM) |
Mandatory/Optional |
Value in col C (example) |
Value in col D (example) |
Occurrence in PARAM sheet |
Comment |
<tag value> |
optional, <tag value(s)> if other tag(s) should be fetched than in column C |
1 |
Used to tag saved data with a unique value. |
FORM_TAG is an optional parameter; however, it is recommended to use a unique FORM_TAG for each form to tag saved data with a unique value. The FORM_TAG value used in forms is used when saved data is retrieved and deleted. By tagging each form with a unique tag value the designer avoids problems with different forms deleting values in other forms.
It is best practice to add a unique FORM_TAG value to each form when creating a new template. The FORM_TAG can also be used in a report if the designer wants the report to retrieve values from one specific form.
Note: If values have already been saved in a form and you change the FORM_TAG, old values will not be retrieved since the old values are not tagged with the new FORM_TAG value. When using FORM_TAGs in forms, it is best practice to tag ALL forms to a FORM_TAG. Otherwise, the deletion of values when updating to the database will be too wide for the form missing a FORM_TAG. In addition, if you already saved values and upgrades to Bizview 7.0 and added FORM_TAGs to each FORM, you must convert already saved data to the new FORM_TAG values. Otherwise, the previously saved data will not be retrieved to the forms.
Any FORM_TAG value containing a - (hyphen) must be stated within { } in the PARAM sheet, otherwise, SQL will not treat this as a unique value and data will not be linked and saved with the form tag value. A hyphen is treated as a interval in SQL smart.
Access FORM_TAG in Template Design by selecting Parameters > Data Dimensions > Form Tag:
Enter a unique form_tag ID in the field.
In a Form, the form tag IDs visible in the list when you click the tag icon are the ones that already are used and saved to the data table, as defined in the DATA_TABLE parameter (the data table linked to the data container specified for the logged in client). If a form tag is stated in a form template, but no one has updated any values in the form yet, then that particular form tag ID will not visible in this list.
In a Report, the form tag IDs visible in the list are the ones that exist in the data views specified in the report template.
If the template contains several sections, you will be able to add specific form tags for each section or define one for all sections.
Retrieve/Update Values - Column C and D in PARAM
In a FORM, if only a value in column C in PARAM is defined for the FORM_TAG parameter, then that value will be used both when retrieving data to the form and when updating values to the database.
To retrieve values for a different set of form_tags compared to the FORM_TAG value you want to be updated, then you need to define those retrieve value(s) in column D in the PARAM sheet. If several form tag values should be retrieved, then these form tag values need to be separated with # in column D in PARAM. For example, FORMTAG1#FORMTAG2.
REPORT templates only support values in column C in PARAM. Column D in PARAM should not be used.