Parameters in Row 1
Parameters that are specified in either column A or row 1 are specific parameters for either columns or rows.
This topic contains the following sections:
Row 1 in Template
Below is a list of parameters in Row 1: (select the parameter for more information)
Parameter |
Mandatory/Optional |
Value (example) |
Occurrence in row 1 |
Comment |
1 |
Mandatory in column B. Tag each row with different ROWTYPE, so that the program knows how to handle the rows when generating the document. The value "DESIGN" is mandatory, however, the VIEWTAGs are optional. |
1 |
Mandatory parameter in PARAM or in template in row 1. If SEARCHCOL object is the same for all rows in template, then use it in PARAM. However, if objects are different for different rows, then the parameter should be used in row 1. |
<object value(s)> |
1 |
Mandatory parameter in row 1. This parameter should define the search object values for each row. The object values need to be valid values connected to the object stated in SEARCHCOL. |
Available from Bizview 2011 (1.0812.1354) |
N/A |
1 |
By default, all parameter and object values in each CVAL column will be added as deletion variables when updating values in the database. To override this rule and exclude an object as deletion variable, then this parameter can be defined and set to FALSE for the object in column A. |
x number of times |
A valid object can be defined in row 1. |
x number of times |
Any SQL column in the defined data source (SOURCE and TABLE parameters). |
N/A |
1000 |
x number of times |
Column in which the spread value should be entered. The total amount that should be allocated. Can occur several times in row 1. Mandatory in combination with SPKEY and needs to be linked to a SPGROUP. Important: In v1 templates, SPKEY has been replaced by spreadkey_id and SPVAL has been replaced by spreadvalue from the Data View selected in the template. |
N/A |
x number of times |
Column in which the spreadkey should be entered. Can occur several times in row 1. Mandatory in combination with SPVAL and needs to be linked to a SPGROUP. Important: In v1 templates, SPKEY has been replaced by spreadkey_id and SPVAL has been replaced by spreadvalue from the Data View selected in the template. |
N/A |
201001..201002 |
x number of times |
Can be used to exclude periods from the automatic spread done by SPVAL and SPKEY. If used, then it needs to be defined in combination with SPVAL and SPKEY and linked to a SPGROUP. |
x number of times |
Specifies the columns which will be updated in the database. By default, the cells in row DATA and column CVAL will be open for entry, all other cells will be locked. |
1 |
In FORM templates, a value type needs to be defined in the PARAM sheet or in the template (in column A or row 1). |
1 |
In FORM templates, a currency code needs to be defined in the PARAM sheet or in the template (in column A or row 1). |
-1000 |
1 |
Values will be recalculated with the defined SCALE. Define a scale factor for each DATA row (FORMS) or each report row. Can be defined in column A, row 1, OR in PARAM. By default, if no SCALE is defined in column A, row 1, or in PARAM, then it is 1. Value must be a valid number. |
x number of times |
Any defined data attribute can be stated in row 1 so that the end-user can enter any additional information in the data row. Needs to be connected to an ATTGROUP. |
Parameters for Grouping Several Rows Together in an EXPAND
Below is a list of parameters for grouping several rows together in an EXPAND: (select the parameter for more information)
Parameter |
Mandatory/Optional |
Occurrence in row 1 |
Comment |
Available from Bizview 2011 R3 (1.0404.1530)_03 |
1 |
Parameter that should be used if several rows should be expanded together for each search value returned. |