Feature available from Bizview version - Bizview 2011 R3 (1.0404.1530)_03)
=optional in row 1
Parameter |
Mandatory/Optional |
Occurrence in row 1 |
Comment |
Available from Bizview 2011 R3 (1.0404.1530)_03 |
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Parameter that should be used if several rows should be expanded together for each search value returned. |
ROWGROUP is an optional parameter that can be used in row 1 to group several rows together in an EXPAND. If more than one row should be expanded for each search value, then this parameter must be used in order to tag the rows together. The parameter should be defined as a unique tag that connects all rows that should be kept together when expanding the document. A template can contain several different ROWGROUPs, with different search criteria for each group.
Note: When using ROWGROUP, no values need to be stated in the SEARCHVAL column in the template. Bizview will automatically insert values in this column when performing the ROWGROUP expand.
When rows are about to be searched for each ROWGROUP, then the views/tables used in the template will be used as default. All unique values (of the SEARCHCOL object in all tables/views) for each search interval defined for each ROWGROUP will be returned and rows will be expanded. In other words, only search values returning any data values will be expanded. If the designer for some reason want to decide which values that should be expanded for each rowgroup, then there is a possibility to define a procedure that should be used instead in order to return the right values for each ROWGROUP search criteria. Read more about the procedure under ROWGROUP_PROC.
This topic contains the following sections:
SEARCHCOL Object is the Same as the ROWGROUP Search Criteria
For each ROWGROUP tag a search criteria must be stated in order for Bizview to know which rows should be expanded for each group defined. The search criteria should be stated for each unique ROWGROUP tag and must be stated after the first unique tag in each group. If the search criteria should use the same object as the SEARCHCOL object, then the rowgroups can be stated like this:
- The first rowgroup is tagged as A and that rowgroup should expand ITEMs starting with 10.
- The second rowgroup is tagged as B and that rowgroup should expand ITEMs starting with 11 and so on.
- Each rowgroup should expand four rows together. In other words, the rows stated with A will be expanded for each ITEM value returned that starts with 10.
SEARCHCOL Object Differs from the ROWGROUP Search Criteria
If the search criteria should NOT use the same object as the SEARCHCOL object, then the rowgroups should be stated like this:
- The first rowgroup is tagged as A and that rowgroup should expand all ITEMS (ITEM is the SEARCHCOL object defined in PARAM) for ITEMGRP 10.
- The second rowgroup is tagged as B and that rowgroup should expand all ITEMs (ITEM is the SEARCHCOL object defined in PARAM) for ITEMGRP 11.·Each rowgroup should expand four rows together. In other words, the rows stated with A will be expanded for each ITEM value returned that belongs to ITEMGRP 10.
Note: Since this example is dependent on a relationship being defined between ITEMGRP and ITEM, then it is also possible to define a ROWGROUP_PROC in PARAM, which evaluates these relationships and returns the correct ITEMs for each ITEMGRP.
When the template is generated, then Bizview will insert ITEM values in the SEARCHVAL column for each EXPAND row within the specified ROWGROUP criteria.