=mandatory in Column A
Parameter |
Mandatory/Optional |
Value (example) |
Comment |
BV |
Defines from which data source the information should be fetched/saved. Must be defined as * (common for all data sources in the template), BV, or another valid data source ID for all keywords in row 1. |
SOURCE is a mandatory parameter in column A and for every value in row 1, a source needs to be defined.
Important: There are new validation rules that apply when designing a template in template version one. With this new validation process, you are unable to save templates when the value for SOURCE is empty or duplicated.
There are three different values that can be applied to the SOURCE row.
Columns in Template |
SOURCE Value |
Registration columns (input columns with CVAL as value in row 1) |
BV (data will be saved in cust.v_$CLIENT_data_cells) |
Columns common for all data sources in the template (the row 1 keyword need to be a column in all defined sources in the template) |
* |
Other value columns |
Data source ID (defined in Bizview) |
Columns retrieved from a dataview. The dataviews visible in the TABLE row is the ones that have dataview field definitions saved. |
Note: The columns defined with * as SOURCE will be included in the GROUP BY clause when the SQL queries for the document are executed.
- For every column in the template, which has a keyword in row 1, a SOURCE needs to be defined (except columns ROWTYPE, SEARCHCOL, and SEARCHVAL)
- The SOURCE row should be defined with ROWTYPE = DESIGN (the row will be hidden when document is generated)
- ITEM is a valid object and is common for both data sources defined in the template. In other words, ITEM exists as a column in data source BIZVIEW_DEMO and BV, and therefore, SOURCE is stated as *. When the documents is generated ITEM will be included in the GROUP BY clause.
- BIZVIEW_DEMO is a defined data source ID in Bizview.
- BV is the SOURCE that should be used for all registration columns (CVAL columns). CVAL in combination with BV as source and DATA keyword in column A, states which cells are open for ENTRY.