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Lock Cells

If the end-user has the ability to lock cells within the allocation range, these need to be stated within a specific named range. All cells within named ranges starting with _ALLOC_ have the option to lock.


Note: If cells within EXPAND rows should be able to lock, then the row above the EXPAND row in the template needs to be included in the _ALLOC_ named ranges. Otherwise, the range will not work when Bizview expands rows in the opened form.

After opening a form, end-users can lock a cell by right-clicking on the cell and selecting Lock:


To depict that the cell is locked, the template designer can define another background and/or font color for a locked cell.

In the template, add a new parameter in the PARAM sheet - LOCKCELLS. In column C, define the background color for the locked cell.

It is also possible to define a font color in this cell.

Note: Only background and font color can be stated in this parameter; not bold, italic, font size, and so on.


In the opened form, the cells that the user locked will change format, according to the LOCKCELLS parameter:


Note: If a user locks an EDITSUM cell, not an actual input cell, then all referenced cells will be locked. Otherwise, you can lock a sum cell, however, you can still change the actual values adding up to that sum.



Lock Cells

If the end-user has the ability to lock cells within the allocation range, these need to be stated within a specific named range. All cells within named ranges starting with _ALLOC_ have the option to lock.


Note: If cells within EXPAND rows should be able to lock, then the row above the EXPAND row in the template needs to be included in the _ALLOC_ named ranges. Otherwise, the range will not work when Bizview expands rows in the opened form.

After opening a form, end-users can lock a cell by right-clicking on the cell and selecting Lock:


To depict that the cell is locked, the template designer can define another background and/or font color for a locked cell.

In the template, add a new parameter in the PARAM sheet - LOCKCELLS. In column C, define the background color for the locked cell.

It is also possible to define a font color in this cell.

Note: Only background and font color can be stated in this parameter; not bold, italic, font size, and so on.


In the opened form, the cells that the user locked will change format, according to the LOCKCELLS parameter:


Note: If a user locks an EDITSUM cell, not an actual input cell, then all referenced cells will be locked. Otherwise, you can lock a sum cell, however, you can still change the actual values adding up to that sum.


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