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Datastore Dimensions

Caution: Before mapping objects to dimensions, there must be connection between the Bizview application database and the datastore database. For more information, access System admin > Data Services > Datastore.

The ‘Datastore’ is an optional component of the Bizview software; it’s a separate database residing alongside the Bizview application database. The objectives of the datastore are to:

  •      Store, aggregate, and index actual general ledger data from the ERP system (fact.fin_ledgertrans and fact.fin_ledgersum).

  • Store snapshots of the dimensional structures within Bizview (object values, object value attributes, and object structures in dim.members) in a format and structure optimized for reporting within Bizview, but also to be consumed by other systems (e.g. via database views, such as dim.v_members in the datastore database).

  • Provide built-in logic for advanced financial reporting, such as multi-client and multi-currency consolidation.

  • Store, aggregate, and index planning data (fact.fin_plandata) and manual consolidation transaction data (fact.fin_contrans) in a format similar to the actual data.

Some of the data in the datastore will come directly from other data sources, such as ERP-systems (like general ledger transactions); but the dimensional data will be synchronized from the BizView application database to the datastore. The objective of ‘Datastore Dimension & Measure’ configuring is to map defined objects, attributes, structures, and measures in the Bizview application database with the fixed dimensions and measures in the datastore.

The datastore financial structure is built around ten (10) dimensions, where each dimension can have up to 30 attributes. These attributes can be:

  •      Attributes attached to the selected lowest level object (such as product colour attached to the product object).

  •      Higher level objects that are part of object trees where the selected lowest level object has the higher level objects as parent or grandparent.

  •      Attributes assigned to higher level objects.

Each dimension can also have up to three parallel parent-child structures side by side (Parent attribute 1 to 3).

The actual synchronization of data between the app database and the datastore database must be executed by a Bizview Job that is executing the procedure dim.p_update_datastore in the datastore database.

Access Datastore Dimensions and Measures by selecting Client administration > Objects > Datastore Dimensions & Measures.

This topic contains the following sections:

Description – Map Objects to Dimensions

Complete the following:

  1. In the list of dimensions (DIM1 to DIM10), click on the first free dimension not in use.

  2. In the Dimension Details area, select which Object ID you want to assign to the dimension.

  3. In the Dimension Attributes area, select what attributes, parent objects, or parent object attributes you want to map to the 30 fixed dimension attributes. You can also select what attributes to map to the three fixed parent dimension attributes (Parent Attribute 1 to 3).

  4. Select Save and continue with the next dimension you want to configure.

Below is a list of the available fields:





Object ID

The object assigned to be the base lowest level object for the dimensions.

ACCOUNT Chart of accounts assigned to DIM1

The financial data loaded to the datastore must contain the same object values as this object. For example, if the chart of account should be DIM1, then the transactional data loaded to the datastore must contain a valid account number in the dim1 field.

Derived from

Only in use if the object is inherited from another client.

Select from which client the object values should be retrieved.

ERP Col Name

The related name in the ERP system.

Only in use and mandatory if using some of the Bizview ERP adapters.

Parent Attribute 1 - 3

Mapping of parent-child structures to the three fixed parallel structures in datastore.

Attribute Value 1-30

Mapping of attributes, parent objects, or parent object attributes as attributes.

Additional Information

Best practice is to map the following common objects to the following dimensions:

  • Chart of accounts – DIM1.

  • Organization (departments or cost centers) – DIM2.

  • Dim3 to 10 – Use for other objects in the ‘code string’.

Note: In a multi-client scenario, it’s very important to apply the same mappings of objects and attributes to dimensions!
  • Fixed Dimension 101 (DIM101) and Dimensions 102 (DIM102).

When configuring Bizview for multi-client consolidation using the built-in logic, there are two extra dimensions, DIM101 and DIM102.

DIM101 and DIM102 represent companies/clients and their internal relations and should be applied as follows.

In one client, normally the ‘group’ client, where cross-company master data and structures are maintained by group controllers, two object should be created:

  •        LE - Legal entity

  •        IC - Inter company

Both of these object should contain a list of clients part of the consolidation setup. In the group-client, you can also configure an object tree or parent-child structures to maintain the relationships between the companies.

The LE object should be mapped to DIM101, and IC should be mapped to DIM102. Every other client in the setup should inherit the LE and IC objects and data, and they should be mapped to DIM101 and DIM102 in each client using the derived drop-down.

Description – Map Value Types to Measures

The objective of this function is to make it possible to synchronize entered planning data from input forms in the application database to the valid structure of financial data in the datastore. The datastore financial transaction tables contains the following measure fields:

  • Ledger Amount – The field used normally for amounts, such as revenue and cost amounts in local currency.

  • Quantity – The field used for quantity on financial transactions (if applicable).

  • Trans at1 – at3 num – Three extra numeric fields that can be used to store kg, meters, produced units, or other numeric data.

In the forecast or input form in the Bizview application database, a [value type], such as ‘AMOUNT’ or ‘METERS’, can be configured. However, these value types must be mapped to the above fixed measures in the datastore.

Below is a list of available fields:





Value Type ID

The source value type used to store financial amounts in local currency in the application database.


Measure Column

The target measure column in the datastore.


Additional Information

This information is only needed if planning data from the Bizview application database should be pushed to the related table in the datastore database (e.g. from dat.data_cells in application database to fact. fin_plandata).


Datastore Dimensions

Caution: Before mapping objects to dimensions, there must be connection between the Bizview application database and the datastore database. For more information, access System admin > Data Services > Datastore.

The ‘Datastore’ is an optional component of the Bizview software; it’s a separate database residing alongside the Bizview application database. The objectives of the datastore are to:

  •      Store, aggregate, and index actual general ledger data from the ERP system (fact.fin_ledgertrans and fact.fin_ledgersum).

  • Store snapshots of the dimensional structures within Bizview (object values, object value attributes, and object structures in dim.members) in a format and structure optimized for reporting within Bizview, but also to be consumed by other systems (e.g. via database views, such as dim.v_members in the datastore database).

  • Provide built-in logic for advanced financial reporting, such as multi-client and multi-currency consolidation.

  • Store, aggregate, and index planning data (fact.fin_plandata) and manual consolidation transaction data (fact.fin_contrans) in a format similar to the actual data.

Some of the data in the datastore will come directly from other data sources, such as ERP-systems (like general ledger transactions); but the dimensional data will be synchronized from the BizView application database to the datastore. The objective of ‘Datastore Dimension & Measure’ configuring is to map defined objects, attributes, structures, and measures in the Bizview application database with the fixed dimensions and measures in the datastore.

The datastore financial structure is built around ten (10) dimensions, where each dimension can have up to 30 attributes. These attributes can be:

  •      Attributes attached to the selected lowest level object (such as product colour attached to the product object).

  •      Higher level objects that are part of object trees where the selected lowest level object has the higher level objects as parent or grandparent.

  •      Attributes assigned to higher level objects.

Each dimension can also have up to three parallel parent-child structures side by side (Parent attribute 1 to 3).

The actual synchronization of data between the app database and the datastore database must be executed by a Bizview Job that is executing the procedure dim.p_update_datastore in the datastore database.

Access Datastore Dimensions and Measures by selecting Client administration > Objects > Datastore Dimensions & Measures.

This topic contains the following sections:

Description – Map Objects to Dimensions

Complete the following:

  1. In the list of dimensions (DIM1 to DIM10), click on the first free dimension not in use.

  2. In the Dimension Details area, select which Object ID you want to assign to the dimension.

  3. In the Dimension Attributes area, select what attributes, parent objects, or parent object attributes you want to map to the 30 fixed dimension attributes. You can also select what attributes to map to the three fixed parent dimension attributes (Parent Attribute 1 to 3).

  4. Select Save and continue with the next dimension you want to configure.

Below is a list of the available fields:





Object ID

The object assigned to be the base lowest level object for the dimensions.

ACCOUNT Chart of accounts assigned to DIM1

The financial data loaded to the datastore must contain the same object values as this object. For example, if the chart of account should be DIM1, then the transactional data loaded to the datastore must contain a valid account number in the dim1 field.

Derived from

Only in use if the object is inherited from another client.

Select from which client the object values should be retrieved.

ERP Col Name

The related name in the ERP system.

Only in use and mandatory if using some of the Bizview ERP adapters.

Parent Attribute 1 - 3

Mapping of parent-child structures to the three fixed parallel structures in datastore.

Attribute Value 1-30

Mapping of attributes, parent objects, or parent object attributes as attributes.

Additional Information

Best practice is to map the following common objects to the following dimensions:

  • Chart of accounts – DIM1.

  • Organization (departments or cost centers) – DIM2.

  • Dim3 to 10 – Use for other objects in the ‘code string’.

Note: In a multi-client scenario, it’s very important to apply the same mappings of objects and attributes to dimensions!
  • Fixed Dimension 101 (DIM101) and Dimensions 102 (DIM102).

When configuring Bizview for multi-client consolidation using the built-in logic, there are two extra dimensions, DIM101 and DIM102.

DIM101 and DIM102 represent companies/clients and their internal relations and should be applied as follows.

In one client, normally the ‘group’ client, where cross-company master data and structures are maintained by group controllers, two object should be created:

  •        LE - Legal entity

  •        IC - Inter company

Both of these object should contain a list of clients part of the consolidation setup. In the group-client, you can also configure an object tree or parent-child structures to maintain the relationships between the companies.

The LE object should be mapped to DIM101, and IC should be mapped to DIM102. Every other client in the setup should inherit the LE and IC objects and data, and they should be mapped to DIM101 and DIM102 in each client using the derived drop-down.

Description – Map Value Types to Measures

The objective of this function is to make it possible to synchronize entered planning data from input forms in the application database to the valid structure of financial data in the datastore. The datastore financial transaction tables contains the following measure fields:

  • Ledger Amount – The field used normally for amounts, such as revenue and cost amounts in local currency.

  • Quantity – The field used for quantity on financial transactions (if applicable).

  • Trans at1 – at3 num – Three extra numeric fields that can be used to store kg, meters, produced units, or other numeric data.

In the forecast or input form in the Bizview application database, a [value type], such as ‘AMOUNT’ or ‘METERS’, can be configured. However, these value types must be mapped to the above fixed measures in the datastore.

Below is a list of available fields:





Value Type ID

The source value type used to store financial amounts in local currency in the application database.


Measure Column

The target measure column in the datastore.


Additional Information

This information is only needed if planning data from the Bizview application database should be pushed to the related table in the datastore database (e.g. from dat.data_cells in application database to fact. fin_plandata).

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