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p_pane_objlist is a standard script that can be used to fill lists in a selection pane with content. This script gets data from the object values saved in Bizview and will also automatically add any object value authorizations that are defined for the logged in user.

This standard script does the following:

  • Returns object values from the Bizview database
  • Adds any existing user and/or organization object value authorization to the data set
  • Reads existing object trees in order to manage dependent list boxes

When selecting the script in Pane Designer, the following parameters can be defined:

Parameter Description
@active Optional parameter. Enter a "1" if only active object values should be returned in the list box. If left empty, both active and inactive values will be returned in the list:
@child_obj Mandatory input parameter. Select which object values should be shown in the list.
@child_objval Optional parameter. Enter a value filter. For example, only ITEMs starting with 1 should be visible in the list (1*). Leave blank if all values should be shown.
@client_id The logged in client is automatically sent into the pane.

Optional parameter. In addition to the data set returned, there is a possibility to add an extra first selection row. For example, if the user should be able to select all items, then a custom list can be specified. The value within square brackets is the value that is sent into the PANE worksheet. Thereafter, a descriptive text can be stated.


Optional parameter. Enter the value of object version to filter the list. If it is empty, it sets the value to 'BASE'.


Optional parameter. If the list should be ordered in any other way than by object ID column, then enter the column.


Optional parameter. User tree structure to evaluate authority

  • 1 = Traverse only down to find authority on children to @child_obj

  • 2 = Traverse only up to find authority to parehtn to @child_obj

  • 3 = Traverse both way


Optional parameter. Select a parent object from the list if this list box should be dependent on another list box in the pane.

Note: In order for the dependency to work it is crucial that an object tree for ITEMGRP:ITEM has been defined in Bizview (if p_pane_objlist is used).

@parent_objval Optional parameter. Specify from which list box the ITEMGRP value should be fetched
@template_type The template type of the generated form (i.e. FORM/REPORT) is automatically sent into the pane.
@user_id The logged in user is automatically sent into the pane.

It is the object version id.


Input Parameters


The logged in client is automatically sent into the pane.



The logged in user is automatically sent into the pane.



The template type of the generated form (i.e. FORM/REPORT) is automatically sent into the pane.



Mandatory input parameter. Select which object values should be shown in the list.



Optional parameter. Enter a value filter. For example, only ITEMs starting with 1 should be visible in the list (1*). Leave blank if all values should be shown.



Optional parameter. Select a parent object from the list if this list box should be dependent on another list box in the pane.


Note: In order for the dependency to work it is crucial that an object tree for ITEMGRP:ITEM has been defined in Bizview (if p_pane_objlist is used).


Optional parameter. Specify from which list box the ITEMGRP value should be fetched.


Select the black square to display a list of available list boxes within the pane. Select from which list box the ITEMGRP value should be fetched. The tag for each list box is shown, if any list box is not named with a tag, then the standard name "MultiDropDown_nn" displays. Hover over the values in the @parent_objval list to highlight the list box (orange border).

In this example, we want the selection made in the Item group list box to affect the data returned in the Item list box; therefore, ITEMGRP is chosen in the @parent_objval field:




Optional parameter. Enter a "1" if only active object values should be returned in the list box. If left empty, both active and inactive values will be returned in the list:



Optional parameter. If the list should be ordered in any other way than by object ID column, then enter the column:



Optional parameter. In addition to the data set returned, there is a possibility to add an extra first selection row. For example, if the user should be able to select all items, then a custom list can be specified. The value within square brackets is the value that is sent into the PANE worksheet. Thereafter, a descriptive text can be stated:




p_pane_objlist is a standard script that can be used to fill lists in a selection pane with content. This script gets data from the object values saved in Bizview and will also automatically add any object value authorizations that are defined for the logged in user.

This standard script does the following:

  • Returns object values from the Bizview database
  • Adds any existing user and/or organization object value authorization to the data set
  • Reads existing object trees in order to manage dependent list boxes

When selecting the script in Pane Designer, the following parameters can be defined:

Parameter Description
@active Optional parameter. Enter a "1" if only active object values should be returned in the list box. If left empty, both active and inactive values will be returned in the list:
@child_obj Mandatory input parameter. Select which object values should be shown in the list.
@child_objval Optional parameter. Enter a value filter. For example, only ITEMs starting with 1 should be visible in the list (1*). Leave blank if all values should be shown.
@client_id The logged in client is automatically sent into the pane.

Optional parameter. In addition to the data set returned, there is a possibility to add an extra first selection row. For example, if the user should be able to select all items, then a custom list can be specified. The value within square brackets is the value that is sent into the PANE worksheet. Thereafter, a descriptive text can be stated.


Optional parameter. Enter the value of object version to filter the list. If it is empty, it sets the value to 'BASE'.


Optional parameter. If the list should be ordered in any other way than by object ID column, then enter the column.


Optional parameter. User tree structure to evaluate authority

  • 1 = Traverse only down to find authority on children to @child_obj

  • 2 = Traverse only up to find authority to parehtn to @child_obj

  • 3 = Traverse both way


Optional parameter. Select a parent object from the list if this list box should be dependent on another list box in the pane.

Note: In order for the dependency to work it is crucial that an object tree for ITEMGRP:ITEM has been defined in Bizview (if p_pane_objlist is used).

@parent_objval Optional parameter. Specify from which list box the ITEMGRP value should be fetched
@template_type The template type of the generated form (i.e. FORM/REPORT) is automatically sent into the pane.
@user_id The logged in user is automatically sent into the pane.

It is the object version id.


Input Parameters


The logged in client is automatically sent into the pane.



The logged in user is automatically sent into the pane.



The template type of the generated form (i.e. FORM/REPORT) is automatically sent into the pane.



Mandatory input parameter. Select which object values should be shown in the list.



Optional parameter. Enter a value filter. For example, only ITEMs starting with 1 should be visible in the list (1*). Leave blank if all values should be shown.



Optional parameter. Select a parent object from the list if this list box should be dependent on another list box in the pane.


Note: In order for the dependency to work it is crucial that an object tree for ITEMGRP:ITEM has been defined in Bizview (if p_pane_objlist is used).


Optional parameter. Specify from which list box the ITEMGRP value should be fetched.


Select the black square to display a list of available list boxes within the pane. Select from which list box the ITEMGRP value should be fetched. The tag for each list box is shown, if any list box is not named with a tag, then the standard name "MultiDropDown_nn" displays. Hover over the values in the @parent_objval list to highlight the list box (orange border).

In this example, we want the selection made in the Item group list box to affect the data returned in the Item list box; therefore, ITEMGRP is chosen in the @parent_objval field:




Optional parameter. Enter a "1" if only active object values should be returned in the list box. If left empty, both active and inactive values will be returned in the list:



Optional parameter. If the list should be ordered in any other way than by object ID column, then enter the column:



Optional parameter. In addition to the data set returned, there is a possibility to add an extra first selection row. For example, if the user should be able to select all items, then a custom list can be specified. The value within square brackets is the value that is sent into the PANE worksheet. Thereafter, a descriptive text can be stated:


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