Feature available from Bizview version - Bizview 7.2)
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Possibility to add columns in template in which the designer can evaluate other cells and stop the update of values to the database if any value exists in this column. The error messages are shown for the end-user in a separate error sheet. |
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A function for the template designer to use if they want to validate row data in the template BEFORE saving values to the database.
In the COLTYPE row a new type of tag can be added, VALIDATECOLUMN. If a formula in any of the cells in this column returns anything else than blank, the update of values will be stopped and an error is shown to the end-user.
For example, the designer can add IF formulas in the VALIDATECOLUMN in order to validate row values and if OK return blank, but if NOT OK, enter an error message that then will be shown to the end-user when trying to update to the database.
In the COLTYPE row add a column with tag VALIDATECOLUMN.
The designer can decide if the column also should be DESIGN (hidden for end-user, DESIGN#VALIDATECOLUMN) or if the column should be visible for end-user (only VALIDATECOLUMN). Even though the column is hidden, the user will be stopped when updating if any of the formulas returns anything else then blank, and the error message will be visible for the end-user in a separate error tab.
In the VALIDATECOLUMN the designer should add the formulas to evaluate row values. The formula should return blank if row values are OK, and if NOT OK enter the error message that should be visible for the end-user when updating values.
When the end-user then opens the form and enters values, the formulas in the VALIDATECOLUMN might return an error message if the end-user has not filled out the form correctly. In the above example, the cell W33 cannot be empty. If the end-user tries to update the form and has not entered a value in this cell, the update of values to the database will be stopped and the error message filled out by the designer in the VALIDATECOLUMN formulas will be visible in the error sheet: