Bizview from insightsoftware

Bizview System Administration Overview
Bizview System Administration OverviewThis section contains information regarding the general configuration of one Bizview application. In System Administration, you configure everything generic, such as Clients and Users, Templates and Dashboards, Data sources, and Jobs. The following functions are available in the System Administration panel:Setup & AuthorizationsTemplatesData ServicesDashboa...
Setup & Authorizations
Setup & AuthorizationsHere, you find information regarding how to configure clients, users and access rights. Roles and organizations are functions that make it possible to group users in different ways and maintain access rights on a group level.The following functions are available in the Setup & Authorizations panel:ClientsOrganizationsUsersRoles
ClientsRelated Information[Copy Client] - Copy Client settings to other Client[Currency Code] - Activate available Currency CodesClients are a key concept in Bizview. Every installation of Bizview can contain one, or more, Clients. A Client can be defined as a company that has its own set of object dimensions, and therefore, a unique accounting string. As soon as you have entities with separate...
Copy Client
Copy ClientRelated Information[Create Client] - Create Client[Currency Code] - Create Import / Export templates for Client dataThe Copy Client feature is very useful when creating more than one Client. It is often easier to copy a client to new client, and edit settings in the new client, rather than creating a new Client from scratch. in this dialog, you can copy parts of the available setting...
OrganizationsRelated Information[Users] - Users[Object Values] - Assign object value accessAn Organization is used to group Bizview users into organizational units where you can assign Client access, Object values, and Planning version access. This is different from the Role feature, where you assign access to end user features such as Dashboards and Templates.Organizations allow you to assign ...
UsersRelated Informationo[Password settings] - Password strengtho[Application settings] - Bizview messaging serviceo[Organizations] - Organizationo[Single sign on]- Configure SSO (Single Sign On)o[User attributes] - Configure attributeso[Jobs] - Configure jobsoObject values] - Assign object value accessAll employees that should have access to the Bizview application must be defined as a user in...
RolesRelated Information[Users] - Users[Organizations] - OrganizationsA Role is used to group Bizview users into logical roles to which you can assign Template, Dashboard, Job, and Panel access. This is different from the Organizational feature, where you assign access to end-user features, such as Dashboards and Templates.Access Roles by selecting System Administration > Setup & Authorizations...
TemplatesHere, you find information about how to develop and maintain reports and input forms. The development of templates based on your existing excel skills are central to Bizview. You can configure both reports and input forms using spreadsheet technology and even import your existing excel reports as the foundation for developing Bizview reports and forms.The following functions are availa...
Studio Designer
Studio DesignerRelated Information[Templates] - Template designThe Studio Designer is basically the design tool for designing templates. Opening the Studio Designer from this menu item opens a blank spreadsheet to start building the template layout from. When you open the design of a template from Templates menu item, you get the same template area, and in addition you get some mandatory parame...
Script Editor
Script EditorRelated Information[Templates] - Template designIn the Script Editor, C# or VB scripts can be created to achieve additional changes, behaviours, or functionality to a template when generated. This is where you can add any behaviour that Bizview normally does not handle! These scripts are then connected to the template in the Scripts worksheet properties tab and executed accordingl...
Template Categories
Template CategoriesRelated Information[Templates] - Template design[Template groups] - Template groupsA Template category is a way of categorizing templates into logical groups. This is especially useful if there are many templates in the user selection interface. Access Template Categories by selecting System Administration > Templates > Template categories.To create a new Template Category, c...
Pane Designer
Pane DesignerRelated Information[Templates]- TemplatesThe Pane Designer lets you design the Selection Panes that enable the user to filter and affect how the report, Form, Gridform, Dashboard, or Jobs should be opened. Access the Pane Designer by selecting System Administration > Templates > Pane Designer.To create a new Selection Pane, click the New button the ribbon. An empty Selection Pane ...
Templates Related Information Bizview Reference - Bizview Reference of Parameters, Functions and Commands The Template Designer lets you create Report templates, Form templates, Gridforms, as well as Link templates. Below is a description of each: REPORT: Create Reports to present useful data to the end user. FORM: Create Input Forms to enable user input of planning, budget, forecast o...
Template Groups
Template GroupsRelated Information[Templates] - Template design[Template categories] - Template categoriesA Template Group is a definition of a set of templates (Report or Form) that can all be started from one Selection Pane. For example, the user makes the selection once and all templates in the template group are generated. This can be very useful when users need to run several reports at th...
Drill Down Authorizations
Drill Down AuthorizationsRelated Information[Users] - Users[Templates] - Template DesignBy default, users have access to all drill down templates connected to a template. User access is implemented on the original template, from which the drill is performed; therefore, there is usually no need for specific access settings. However, sometimes it might be useful to limit this access to drill down...
Comment Categories & Blocks
Comment Categories & BlocksRelated InformationGeneral CommentsThis section contains information on how to add, edit, and delete comment categories and blocks. You can also choose who will have access, and which access they should have to the comment categories.This section contains the following topics:Comment CategoriesComment BlocksAccess the Comments section by selecting System Menu > Other ...
Comment Categories
Comment CategoriesRelated InformationComment BlocksThe purpose of Comment Categories is to categorize and manage access to general comments. Access Comment Categories by selecting System Menu > Other System Data > Comment Categories & Blocks.In the Comment Category grid, you can view the comment categories that exist in the application. Selecting the arrow to the far left expands each category,...
Comment Blocks
Comment BlocksRelated InformationComment CategoriesAdd Comment Blocks in TemplateThe purpose of the Comment Block is to determine where the comments should be positioned within the report/form. Using comment blocks are not necessary if you only want comments to be shown in a comment panel to the right of the actual report/form. Blocks only need to be defined if specific comments (comments conne...
Export Templates
Export TemplatesRelated InformationImport Template-Import a template export file and all contentsThe Export Templates function enables you to create a compressed file of everything you need for restring a certain template, in another solution. This function is useful if you want to reuse a previously defined template. The advantages of this function (compared to a simple Excel export) are:The c...
Import Templates
Import TemplatesRelated InformationExport Template - Export a template and all contentsThe Import Templates function enables you to import a template from another solution. This function is useful if you want to reuse a previously defined template. Compared to a simple Excel export, some advantages of this function are:The compressed Export file contains all related files and information, such ...
Data Services
Data ServicesThis section of the documentation contains information about how to link different data sources to Bizview and make data from different systems and databases available to reports, forms, dashboards, etc. This is a bit more of a technical section but it is necessary as a starting point for generating data to Bizview.This section also contains information regarding how to configure t...
DB Sharp Studio
DB Sharp StudioRelated Information[Data Sources] - Data ProviderThe DB Sharp Studio interface lets you write SQL scripts that can be used in Bizview for different purposes. This interface should be seen as an alternative to SQL Server Management Studio. It enables the solutions designer to access existing Data Sources and write necessary scripts for fetching data from these sources. Access DB S...
DatastoreRelated Information[Clients] - Copy Client settings to another ClientDatastore ParametersTo use a Bizview Datastore for a client, you need to connect the Client to that Datastore. There can be multiple Datastores within a Bizview solution SQL Server environment; however, each and every Client in Bizview can only use one.  To define a Datastore for the Client, access the Datastore conf...
ERP Adapter Configuration
ERP Adapter ConfigurationRelated InformationObjectsThe ERP Adapter Configuration is where you configure how a standard Bizview adapter is supposed to integrate data from the ERP system into the staging area (.stg) of Bizview. In this configuration, you need to specify where the ERP database is located and enter the mapping between Bizview objects and the ERP tag ID's. The result of this configu...
Data Providers
Data ProvidersRelated InformationData SourcesA .NET data provider is a software library consisting of classes that provide data access to a data source, executing commands at a data source and fetching data from a data source with support to execute commands within transactions. In order to set up data source connections within Bizview to external data sources, the data provider for that data s...
Data Sources
Data SourcesRelated Information[Data Provider]- Data provider[SOURCE]- Parameter SOURCEData Views for AnalyticsA Bizview Data Source is a definition of a connection to a data source other than the Bizview database(s). For instance, you might want to set up a connection to a CRM database.A Data Source definition can be created for any type of data, as long as the data provider information has be...
Data Views
Data ViewsRelated InformationData Views in Pane DesignerData Views for AnalyticsThere are two main purposes of using Data Views: Selection Pane and Analytical Reports.Access Data Views by selecting System Administration > Data Services > Setup > Data Views.The grid to the left lists all Data Views that are defined.  Edit or define the Data View in the properties pane to the right.This topic con...
Data View Fields
Data View FieldsRelated InformationData ViewsSystem Administration -> Data Services -> Setup -> Data View FieldsThe purpose of a Data View is to create a list of values to be used in for example Selection Panes. A Data View can be designed in three ways enabling most types of lists to be created.  Custom list using SQLStatic list with fixed valuesObject Values listBasic SetupAt the top right of...
DashboardsHere, you find information about how to develop and maintain Dashboards. Dashboards collect data from one, or many, data sources and provide data visualizations to end-users.The following functions are available in the Dashboards panel:Dashboard DesignerPane DesignerDashboardsExport DashboardsImport Dashboards  
Dashboard Designer
Dashboard DesignerThe Dashboard Designer lets you create a variety of useful, informative, and appealing graphical representations of any data that you wish. Bizview Dashboards enable organizations to visualize key performance indicators and trends with stunning graphics. With the Dashboard Designer, you can easily create attractive dashboards visualizing your defined strategic and tactical goa...
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