Datastore Dimensions
Datastore DimensionsRelated Information[Object Values] Populating the object with data[Object Attributes] Adding custom attributes or properties to objects[Object Structures] Grouping and structuring object values in hierarchies[Datastore] Creating the connection between the Bizview application database and the Datastore database[Value Types] Definitions of measures Caution: Before mapping obje...
WorkflowsHere, you find information about how to create and execute workflows to coordinate processes and routines in the organization when using Bizview.The following functions are available in the Workflows panel:Workflow DesignerManage Substitutes
Workflow Designer
Workflow DesignerRelated Information[Manage Substitutes] Workflow DesignerWorkflows makes it possible to coordinate and get control over structured business processes such as sales forecasting or the budget process and similar. A workflow is a list of workflow steps that should normally be performed by different users within the organization and approved by others. These workflow steps can be g...
Manage Substitutes
Manage SubstitutesRelated InformationWorkflow DesignerWorkflow Substitutes make it possible to setup workflows where one user can act on the behalf of another user. When creating a workflow, each status tracked workflow step must have a 'Doer' and one 'Responsible'. But what about if one of the user associated with a Doer or Responsible role cannot fulfill the work associated with the workflow?...
Other Items
Other ItemsIn this section, you find information about how to configure measures, versions, and time dimensions in Bizview. All of this information is very much related to the usage of input forms.The following functions are available in the Other Items panel:Value TypesPlanning VersionsTime UnitsTime Spreads
CurrenciesIn a multi-client, multi-currency consolidation scenario each company must be able to maintain information regarding currency. This section of the documentation includes detailed information regarding currency management.The following functions are available in the Currencies panel:Currency TypesMap Object Values to Currency TypesCurrency Rates
Client Options
Client OptionsThis section of the documentation contains information about client-specific settings and functions. You can also find some of these settings and functions under System Administration, but here we cover the client-specific implementation of these settings and functions. The following functions are available in the Client Options panel:Client SettingsView GeneratorClient LogsCreate...
View Generator
View GeneratorRelated Information[BV_SOURCE] Access the View Generator by selecting Client administration > Client Options > View Generator.Caution: This is a function that should no longer be used (from version 5.2). The function was used to create so called database views inside the Bizview application database to be able to get planning data from the data-cells and related table to a report...
Create Import Template / Export
Create Import Template / ExportRelated Information[Clients] Maintenance of clients within the system[Import Client Data] Import client dataIt is possible to quickly build a Bizview model importing data from Excel, instead of typing the data in Bizview or building ETL-integration from other systems or databases. You can create an Excel ‘template’ for your client, populate the file in Excel, and ...