Installation & Configuration Overview
Installation & Configuration OverviewThis section contains necessary information about installing and configuring Bizview application and databases, as well as different Bizview Services. This section contains the following topics:New InstallationBizview Web ApplicationBizview DatabasesAfter InstallationUpgradeBizview ServicesEnable Bizview Single-Sign-OnMulti-database loginEnable Bizview Docum...
New Installation
New InstallationRelated InformationPreparations to Fulfill PrerequisitesPrerequisitesThe installation of Bizview consists of two major steps:The installation of the Bizview web application under IIS.The installation of the Bizview databases in SQL Server .First, the MSI installs the Bizview web application. Then, the database install is triggered.Next Step:Bizview Web Application
Bizview Web Application
Bizview Web ApplicationIn this section, you will find necessary information about installing and configuring Bizview web application.This section contains the following topics: PrerequisitesPreparations to fulfill prerequisitesInstall IISInstall .Net FrameworkChange Default Application Pool .NET framework versionNew InstallationStart the installationSetup Dialogues
PrerequisitesThis topic describes the program and database prerequisites needed prior to installing Bizview.This topic contains the following sections:Application ServerDatabase ServerApplication ServerThe following programs must be pre-installed on the application server before installing Bizview:Operating System:Windows Server 20121Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2016Windows Server Comp...
Preparations to Fulfill Prerequisites
Preparations to Fulfill PrerequisitesAssuming the Windows Server operating system is in place, there are a few things that need to be prepared before the installation of the Bizview Web Application.This section contains the following topics: Installing IISInstalling WebSocket Protocol in IISInstalling .Net FrameworkChanging Default Application Pool .NET Framework Version
Installing IIS
Installing IISRelated InformationInstalling .Net FrameworkChanging the Default Application PoolIIS is added in the Windows Server Manager by accessing: Windows Start > Administrative Tools > Server Manager > Roles > Add Role > Wizard to select Web Server (IIS).Mark the check box below:After the Web Server IIS role is installed, browse to the Local host: http://localhost/:Next Step:Install .Net ...
Installing WebSocket Protocol in IIS
Installing WebSocket Protocol in IISRelated InformationEnabling WebSocket ProtocolFor faster experience with Bizview in HTML5 (from version 8), you must install and enable the WebSocket Protocol in IIS Server Roles and Features.To do this, access: Windows Start > Server Manager > Roles > Add Roles and Features > Wizard to select Web Server (IIS) > Application Development.Then, mark the check b...
Installing .Net Framework
Installing .Net FrameworkRelated InformationInstalling IISChanging the Default Application PoolThe Bizview application is dependent on the Microsoft .Net Framework version 4.0 or later. Included in Windows Server are these versions:Windows Server 2008: .NET Framework 3.0Windows Server 2008 R2: .NET Framework 3.5.1Windows Server 2012: .Net Framework 4.5If .Net version is lower than 4.0, this nee...
Starting the Installation
Starting the InstallationThe Bizview installation is done by running a MSI package delivered by Bizview Systems. This package can be obtained from your partner, alternatively by contacting us at the file to the application server.To start the installation, you double-click the file Bizview.MSI: The installation begins. Next Step: Setup Dialogues
Setting Up Dialogues
Setting Up DialoguesThis topic describes the process for setting up dialogues in the Bizview Web Application.The first dialogue asks you to select the destination folder and application name for the installation. The default folder is C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ and the recommended name is "bizview". Targetdir: You have the option to select other Target directory. Appname: You can enter a ...
Bizview Databases
Bizview DatabasesIn this section you will find necessary information about installing and configuring Bizview Database.This section contains the following topics:Database InstallationLaunching DBWizardManually Opening the Web Application Configuration FileCreate a new Bizview Application DatabaseDatabase SettingsSnapshot FileCreate a New Bizview DatastoreDatabase SettingsSnapshot FileNext step:...
Database Installation
Database InstallationIn the previous steps, you completed the installation of the Bizview Web Application. For the application to run you also need to install the Bizview application database and normally also the Bizview Datastore database:bizview_<name>bizview_<name>_dsNext step:Launching DBWizard
Launching DBWizard
Launching DBWizardThe database installation program "DBWizard.exe" might have been launched from the previous steps in the installation wizard, by answering Yes to the question if you would like to continue with the database setup. If not, the DBWizard can also be started manually from the following installation folder on the application server:(C:\Program Files\Bizview\Tools\DBWizard\Applicati...
Manually Opening the Web Application Configuration File
Manually Opening the Web Application Configuration FileThe Bizview application database settings are stored in the Web.config file located in the Bizview web application folder on the application server.Edit this file by opening it in DBWizard:
Select the Find Web.config via IIS button:
Or, select Browse for Web.config file.Browse and find the Web.config file, default locati...
Database Settings
Database SettingsThe Install Database dialogue asks you to submit information about the database and how the Bizview application server will login and access the data in the database:Enter a descriptive name for the database. The prefix "bizview_" and the suffix "ds_" will always be part of the database name and will be input automatically. You need to enter the unique <name>, e.g. "bizview_dem...
Creating a New Bizview Datastore
Creating a New Bizview DatastoreThe Bizview Datastore is a separate database designed for storing actual data retrieved from different other systems and databases and being the base for Bizview reporting.Assuming you opened the web.config from the Bizview Database tab, follow these steps:Select the Bizview Datastore tab.Select the Create new datastore icon:
The next dialogue requires yo...
Snapshot File
Snapshot FileSelect which version Snapshot file to install. The name of the file corresponds to the version. Click Next to continue with database installation.
The next dialogue displays summary information about the options submitted:Verify your Bizview datastore configurations one last time and select Start to begin the datastore installation.If everything goes as planned, you should ...
Encrypting Connection Strings
Encrypting Connection StringsEncrypt connection strings by issuing the following command:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pe "connectionStrings" -app "/bizview" -prov "DataProtectionConfigurationProvider"
After Installation
After InstallationBelow is a list of things to consider after an installation:Enabling WebSocket ProtocolConfiguring base-hrefTempFiles folder - write/modify authorityExporting to PDFSigning KeyBizview URLBizview LicenseBizview LoginIf there are several web:apps on server, see Starting Services (Several web:apps) to read more about how to handle start/stop of Bizview Services (from within Bizvi...
Enabling WebSocket Protocol
Enabling WebSocket ProtocolRelated InformationInstalling WebSocket Protocol in IISBizview VersionConfiguration necessary from Bizview 8.1Bizview 8 HTML5 client are using a computer communications protocol, called WebSocket, which is providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection.This needs to be enabled in IIS during the installation of IIS server (or added later). I...
Configuring base-href
Configuring base-hrefRelated InformationBizview URLBizview LicenseBizview LoginBizview VersionConfiguration necessary from Bizview 8.0After installing or upgrading to Bizview 8.0 or later you need to configure your base-href before being able to run the Bizview HTML client in your web browser. The base-href path describes to bizview where to find the files for HTML application. There are two w...
Bizview URL
Bizview URLRelated InformationSystem RequirementsBizview LicenseBizview LoginConfigure base-hrefWhen the Bizview web application is installed (and you have configured the base-href), browse to http://localhost/bizview:Next step:Bizview License
Bizview License
Bizview LicenseRelated InformationBizview LoginValidating a New LicenseRevalidating an Existing LicenseYou need a valid license prior to logging in. If you do not have a license please contact step:Validating a New License or Revalidating an Existing License
Re-validating an Existing License
Re-validating an Existing LicenseRelated InformationBizview LicenseValidating a New LicenseBizview VersionFeature available from Bizview version - Bizview 7.2You need to re-validate your Bizview license key annually. If you have the role System Administrator you will get a message that the license will expire in 30 days. If you don’t re-validate the existing license key in 30 days, a message wi...
UpgradingPerforming an upgrade will replace the application files in the target directories, thus upgrading the Bizview version to the files embedded in the MSI. The database upgrade consists of synchronization between the target database and the database snapshot embedded in the MSI package. Thanks to this, an upgrade can always be performed regardless of the target database version. Caution: ...
Starting the Upgrade
Starting the UpgradeRelated InformationNew Installation An upgrade starts in the same manner as a new install, see Start the installation and Setup Dialogues. First the MSI installs/upgrades the Bizview web application. Then, the database install/upgrade is triggered. Caution: Prior to upgrading an existing installation of Bizview, you should take a security backup of the database(s), as well a...
Bizview Database Upgrade
Bizview Database UpgradeRelated InformationNew InstallationStarting the UpgradeIn the previous steps, you completed the upgrade of the Bizview Web Application. For the application to run you also need to upgrade the Bizview application database and normally also the Bizview datastore database:bizview_<name>bizview_<name>_dsUpgrading an Existing Bizview Application Database describes the necessa...
Upgrading an Existing Bizview Datastore
Upgrading an Existing Bizview DatastoreRelated InformationStarting the UpgradeUpgrading an Existing Bizview Application DatabaseThis topic describes the process for upgrading an existing Bizview datastore.The Bizview database bound datastores are shown in the dialogue below. Here, you have the option to upgrade each specific datastore according to your needs. Assuming you've opened the web.conf...
After Upgrade
After Upgrade Related InformationConfigure base-hrefTempFiles Folder - Write/Modify AuthoritySigning KeyAfter InstallationStart/Stop ServicesBizview ServicesBelow is a list of some things that may be good to check after an upgrade:Configure the base-hrefCheck that TempFiles folder has write/modify authorityCheck that a signing key has been created in the config-fileRestart Processing Services (...
Bizview Services
Bizview ServicesRelated InformationStart/Stop ServicesStarting Services (Several web:apps)This section contains information about services in Bizview and how you install and start these services.There are three services installed with the MSI package. These are used for optional functionality in Bizview and this section contains descriptions and manual management options for the following three...