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Drop Down

Bizview enables you to insert drop downs into the active cell. That way, you can force input to be chosen from a drop-down list of values that are specified on a worksheet in the template.

The image below illustrates a Sales Forecast with drop-down lists:


Price strategy is a independent drop-down list, meaning that they also can be dependent on other columns or named areas.

For more information, see Dependent drop-down.

Inserting a DropDown

Complete the following steps to insert a drop-down list:

  1. Access the Insert/View tab and select DropDown:


  2. Select the desired worksheet.

  3. Set Optional parameters:
    • Define from which row in the selected worksheet the list should start and stop.
    • Define from which column in the selected worksheet should be returned as the first column 1 and 2 in the list.

    Note: If Value = the list will only contain one column. 

  4. Set User Input/Filter Mode:
    • Define the filter mode of the list. When the end-user starts entering a value in a drop-down cell, should the list be filtered with 'begins with' or " contains'? For example, if the end-user writes "ab" in the cell, should the drop-down list be filtered with only values starting with "ab" or return all values that contains "ab"?
  5. Enable Show message for invalid input. This is not mandatory, but if true, write an appropriate Title and Message text like the image below.
  6. Click OK to finalize the insertion.
  7. setup_dropdown8

Additional fields:

  • List Data for Row 2: Shows the selected worksheet to which the drop-down is connected.

  • Example: View an example of how the drop-down will look to the end-user.


Drop Down

Bizview enables you to insert drop downs into the active cell. That way, you can force input to be chosen from a drop-down list of values that are specified on a worksheet in the template.

The image below illustrates a Sales Forecast with drop-down lists:


Price strategy is a independent drop-down list, meaning that they also can be dependent on other columns or named areas.

For more information, see Dependent drop-down.

Inserting a DropDown

Complete the following steps to insert a drop-down list:

  1. Access the Insert/View tab and select DropDown:


  2. Select the desired worksheet.

  3. Set Optional parameters:
    • Define from which row in the selected worksheet the list should start and stop.
    • Define from which column in the selected worksheet should be returned as the first column 1 and 2 in the list.

    Note: If Value = the list will only contain one column. 

  4. Set User Input/Filter Mode:
    • Define the filter mode of the list. When the end-user starts entering a value in a drop-down cell, should the list be filtered with 'begins with' or " contains'? For example, if the end-user writes "ab" in the cell, should the drop-down list be filtered with only values starting with "ab" or return all values that contains "ab"?
  5. Enable Show message for invalid input. This is not mandatory, but if true, write an appropriate Title and Message text like the image below.
  6. Click OK to finalize the insertion.
  7. setup_dropdown8

Additional fields:

  • List Data for Row 2: Shows the selected worksheet to which the drop-down is connected.

  • Example: View an example of how the drop-down will look to the end-user.

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