Bizview v24.1 Enhancements
This topic describes the significant enhancements in Bizview v24.1.
Caution: Starting in Bizview v24.1, feature enhancements are no longer available to on-premise users.
Template Enhancements
This release introduces new features that enable Template Designers to easily configure different template properties so that they can analyze the data in their generated reports. The right panel now includes a Data Bindings and Settings tab, with the ability to view Data View fields and add Subtotal details to a worksheet.
Important: These enhancement only applies to reports that have the parameter NEW_DATA_BIND set to 'ENABLED'. When you create a new report, by default, NEW_DATA_BIND is set to 'ENABLED'. For more information, see NEW_DATA_BINDING.
Data Binding Tab
The Data Bindings section now displays on a tab, as shown below:
For more information, see Data Bindings (New Design).
Settings Tab
A new Settings tab allows Template Designers to configure different template properties so that they can analyze the data in their generated reports.
For more information, see Data Bindings - Settings .
Data View Field ID
Selecting Edit now displays the Data View field with the Settings, allowing Template Designers to view the settings that belong to a particular field.
Additionally, the field_id now displays when you retrieve the Data View Fields list (shown below). Prior to this enhancement, the Data View list only showed the Display Name until the field was dragged into the Column and Row drop boxes.
Hovering over the field_id also now exposes the Display Name, as shown below:
For more information, see Data Bindings (New Design).
The Settings flyout now offers the ability to add a property when configuring the report data. To utilize this feature, navigate to the Settings tab and then select Add property and Subtotal, as demonstrated below:
Upon adding a subtotal group, Template Designers can access all required details for a subtotal function, including:
Group by
Enter the dimension column or select the drop-down to choose from the available columns.
BLANK (set empty value)
Enter Viewtag name. Tag must contain uppercase alphanumeric and underscore characters only.
Complete the required fields, indicated by an asterisk (*). Next to the Function, select Show Columns to access the list of columns that are part of the subtotal. Once the table is exposed, you can expand the right panel to read the table, or hover over an item in the Details column to display the full data view name, as demonstrated below:
Additionally, you can edit the function in the table by selecting an item in the Function column. Then, select the function you want to change it to using the drop-down menu, as shown below:
To collapse the table, select Hide Columns.
The Settings flyout also includes a Formatting section where you can choose a preset, or define a custom format that matches your branding theme. To add a format to the Subtotal row, select the drop-down and choose from the three available presets:
Or, select +Custom to define your own format. A Custom Subtotal Formatting dialog displays, as shown below:
Here you can change the font, size, style, text and background color, text and cell alignment. As you customize the format, the Sample text reflects your changes in the Preview area. Once you've finished your custom format, select Save.
You may also edit any custom formats by selecting the pencil icon:
Add the subtotal group and view your changes in the worksheet by selecting Apply. Upon selecting Apply, the SUBTOTAL_GROUPn tag displays in Column A in the worksheet, and GROUPn displays in the dimension column in the SUBTOTAL row. The selected formatting will be applied in the worksheet on the respective SUBTOTAL_GROUPn row in the design area from the first available non-design Coltype column until the #END tag or used range, as demonstrated below:
Important: Selecting Apply does not save the template itself, it only applies the subtotal to the worksheet. You still need to select Save for the changes to persist or preview the generated report.
Add another subtotal group by selecting Add Another Level:
Note: You can add up to seven subtotal groups.
To remove a subtotal group, select the X next to the corresponding level:
A Remove Subtotal_Group dialog displays, as shown below:
Confirm that you want to remove the subtotal group by selecting Yes. The Subtotal_Group row and the respective GROUPn tag are removed from the SUBTOTAL row in the worksheet, and will no longer display in the Active Properties section in the side panel.
For more information, see Data Bindings - Settings .
Manage Concurrency in Forms
With Bizview v24.1 comes better concurrency management in Forms. Prior to this release, multiple users couldn't act on the same Form at the same time without causing a discrepancy in the data. For example, if user A enters and saves their changes to the Form, but user B overwrites their changes at the same time, the Form would only show user B's changes and user A would lose their data. Now, if the Form has been configured for it, the Home toolbar in Forms includes a 'Lock Input' feature that allows you to disable other users from making edits so that you are the only person who has the ability to update the data, while others can simply view it in Read-only mode.
After selecting Lock Input, any other subsequent user that is trying to edit the Form will receive a message, like below:
Note: Opening a locked Form through the Workspace module opens a read-only version.
Hovering over the locked icon in the Form header displays a tooltip that details which user locked the Form, as well as the date and time it was locked, as shown below:
Once you save your changes, release the Form for edits by other users by selecting Close.
For more information, see Input Form Ribbon.
To enable this enhancement, Input Templates now include an "Enable Input Lock" column that allows System Administrators (BV30 role) to enable the Lock Input feature on individual templates, as shown below:
By default, the check box is unselected and the Lock Input button is hidden. Upon selecting the Enable Input Lock check box and saving, the Input Lock feature displays in that particular Form, as shown below:
For reference, below is an example of a Form that does not have the Enable Input Lock check box selected:
Additionally, a Locked Record page allows System Administrators to access an overview of all templates that are locked for input by users. This page is accessible via Settings at both the Application and Client level and includes the following details:
Locked Template
Pane Values
Locked By
Locked On
Administrators can also unlock forms from this page by selecting the unlock icon.
Once unlocked, hovering over the unlock icon exposes a tooltip that displays the unlock time details, as shown below:
Users are then notified that the Form was released:
For more information, see Application Other and Client Other.
Events Template Design
The order of Events now display in the same order as execution, making it easier to understand the sequence of events. This change is available both in the Template Design right panel grid that displays Events and the Add New Event dialog, shown below:
The order of Event grids in a FORM template now display in the following order:
Before Document Creation
After Document Creation
After Workbook Completed
Before Form Values Saved
After Form Valued Saved
The order of Event grids in a REPORT template now display in the following order:
Before Document Creation
After Document Creation
After Workbook Completed
For more information, see Events.
Custom Function
A new custom function, CF_STATIC, can be added to the Template Design to evaluate formulas or nested functions and replace them with the static value so that the formulas don't need to be re-evaluated every time they are used in the template. This enhancement greatly improves performance by reducing the number of formulas that require recalculation. CF_STATIC applies to both FORM and REPORT template types.
Important: The CF_STATIC function should be the outermost function to be evaluated. It cannot be used in the middle of the function, as it must be a root function.
When a cell contains a formula or function the CF_STATIC function is accessible in the right-click cell context menu, as shown below:
Below is an example of how to use CF_STATIC with custom functions:
In this case, if the CF_GETPANEVALUE (VERSION) function returns a value (e.g. 2021), that value will be the result of the CF_STATIC function.
Below is an example of how to use CF_STATIC with formulas:
In this case, if the value in cell G6 is "MONTH", the result of the CF_STATIC function will be "MONT" (the first four characters).
For more information, see Custom Functions and CF_STATIC .
PDS Connectivity
System Administrators can now import business views from different data sources into Bizview via the Platform. This enhancement provides a drop-down menu that allows you to import data for different Business Views. Upon import, Bizview displays a log that identifies which Business Views were successfully imported, along with a list of any that failed.
Note: This feature is only available for Platform-enabled users.
Access this feature by selecting the System icon from the menu. Then, access the new Platform Services subsection and select Import PDS:
The Import PDS screen displays, as shown below. Select Import PDS to continue:
A dialog displays, listing the available Business Views grouped by the connection (ERP) name. Select the ERP Data Source drop-down and select the desired ERP Data Source from the list:
Then, select the Business Views drop-down and select the desired Business View(s) from the list.
Finally, select Import:
Upon selecting import, Business Views are saved in the Bizview database in the custstg table schema. Bizview also displays a log that identifies which Business Views were successfully imported, as shown below:
Additionally, Platform users can import Data Views from Bizview into Angles through the Data Api setting. To access this feature, select the Settings icon from the menu and select Data Api, as shown below:
In the Data Api section, enter the User and Client you want to be able to access this feature. Then, add the URL to fetch the list of available Business Data Views in the Target field, like below:
What's Fixed?
For more information on bug fixes, see Bizview v24.1 Resolved Issues.