The sum columns and rows that should be modifiable by end-users need to be tagged in the template. To do this, use the COLTYPE row and/or ROWTYPE column and add the tag EDITSUM. The rows/columns tagged with this ID (if these contain a sum, +, or subtotal formula) will be able to be modified by user and the value entered will be re-allocated to the cells linked to the sum formula.
If using SUBTOTAL, the SUBTOTAL rows in the design area need to be tagged with EDITSUM. This tag will then be copied down to each created subtotal row when Bizview generates the subtotal rows.
If the COLTYPE or ROWTYPE cell also contains a VIEWTAG, simply separate the EDITSUM tag with the VIEWTAGs using #. For example, in the image above the SUBTOTAL rows also contain VIEWTAGS starting with SUM. If no viewtags are used, only add tag EDITSUM.
In rows tagged as EDITSUM, only sum formula cells in input columns (SPVAL, SPKEY, CVAL/BV columns) are modifiable. For example, sum formula cells in help value columns will not be able to be modified, even though the cells are in the EDITSUM row.