Parameters in Column A
Parameters that are specified in either column A or row 1 are specific parameters for either columns or rows.
Column A in Template
In addition to the parameters stated below, any SQL column can be stated in Column A in order to specify specific search values for each specific column.
General Parameters
Below is a list of general parameters: (select the parameter for more information)
Parameter |
Mandatory/Optional |
Value (example) |
Occurrence in column A |
Comment |
BV |
1 |
Defines from which data source the information should be fetched. Must be defined as * (common for all data sources in the template), BV, or another valid data source ID for all keywords in row 1. |
<view name or table name> |
1 |
Mandatory for all keyword columns in row 1 in which the SOURCE is NOT defined as * or BV. Should be a column name or view name in the defined SOURCE. |
1 |
Tag each column with a different COLTYPE so that the program knows how to handle the columns when generating the document. The value "DESIGN" is mandatory, however, the VIEWTAGs are optional. |
1 |
A valid time unit ID for each CVAL column. |
201010 |
1 |
A valid time value for each CVAL column. |
1 |
Default function is SUM. To override the default function used in the SQL query for each column, define another function such as MAX, MIN, or AVG. |
<1000 |
1 |
State a having condition. Default "having > 0" will be added to the SQL queries. |
N/A |
1 |
Mandatory in combination with the ADDSHEET parameter in PARAM. In the ADDSHEET row in the template, the object value will be automatically inserted when the document is generated. |
Available from Bizview 8.9 |
N/A |
1 |
Parameter that can be used if the designer wants another value to be shown in the different worksheet tabs created from the ADDSHEET parameter. By default, it is always the value ID that is shown as the tab name. However, with the parameter, the designer can define that the tab name should only be the description or a combination of the ID and description. |
N/A |
1 |
1 |
Defines which CVAL columns belongs to which SPVAL and SPKEY columns in the template. |
N/A |
1 |
1 |
Defines which CVAL columns belongs to an attribute that is defined in row 1. |
1 |
Defines the currency for each CVAL column. Can be defined in column A, row 1, OR in PARAM. |
1 |
Defines the value type for each CVAL column. Can be defined in column A, row 1, OR in PARAM. |
BUD2017 |
1 |
VERSION can be stated in column A in the template, however, values for this parameter cannot be stated in entry columns (BV-columns) in forms. For BV-columns in a FORM, VERSION always must be defined in PARAM. |
0,001 |
1 |
Values will be recalculated with the defined SCALE. Define a scale factor for each CVAL column. Can be defined in column A, row 1, OR in PARAM. By default, if no SCALE is defined in column A, row 1, or in PARAM then it is 1. Value must be a valid number. |
N/A |
x number of times |
Mandatory in combination with the ADDINFOn parameter in PARAM. In the ADDINFOn row in the template, the requested information will be automatically inserted when the document is generated. |
1 |
1 |
To override the default order-by that is added to each SQL query (same as the order of the group by "*" columns), then this parameter can be defined in column A and a number for each "*" column should be added. |
x number of times |
If the default headings in the spreadsheet are hidden, it can be difficult for an end-user to navigate in a report or form and easily know which row is the active row. This parameter can be used to specify which column should be highlighted when the row is active. |
Available from Bizview 6.0 |
<any value> |
x number of times |
When drilling down from one template to another it can sometimes be useful to tag the different columns that the user can drill from. The tag can then be used in the procedure populating the drill template. |
N/A |
N/A |
x number of times |
Defines which row(s) are data rows in the form. In other words, which rows are entry rows for registration. Needs to occur at least once in column A in a FORM template. |
N/A |
x number of times |
Defines if the row should be expandable. In other words, if the row should be repeated for each search value defined in SEARCHVAL (in row 1). |
Available from Bizview 8.1 |
generation status |
1 |
Events can be written to the report/form when generated. These events can then be used to conditionally format cells during generation. |
Parameters for Adding New Rows
Below is a list of parameters for adding new rows: (select the parameter for more information)
Parameter |
Mandatory/Optional |
Occurrence in column A |
Comment |
N/A |
x number of times |
Defines the start of a group in a template and a descriptive text for the group (<TAG>). Will be used when adding rows to a form. In addition, if no rows are generated in the group, then all rows within START-STOP will be hidden. |
N/A |
x number of times |
Defines the stop of a group in a template. Will be used when adding rows to a form. In addition, if no rows are generated in the group, then all rows within START-STOP will be hidden. |
Parameters for Dynamic Columns
Below is a list of parameters for dynamic columns: (select the parameter for more information)
Parameter |
Mandatory/Optional |
Value (example) |
Occurrence in column A |
Comment |
1 |
Parameter to define if the column should be dynamically expanded when the document is generated. |
1 |
Parameter to define which search column should be dynamically expanded in the columns. |
1 |
Parameter to define which search values should be dynamically expanded in the columns. |
Parameters for Subtotal
Below is a list of parameters for subtotal: (select the parameter for more information)
Parameter |
Mandatory/Optional |
Occurrence in column A |
Comment |
1 |
Parameter to govern both how the subtotal should be executed and the layout of the subtotal row (this parameter governs the layout of the row if only one SUBTOTAL level, if several then SUBTOTAL_GROUPn rows defines the layout). |
up to 7 times |
If subtotals should be created in several levels, then this parameter must be defined for each subtotal group defined in the SUBTOTAL row (i.e. SUBTOTAL_GROUP1, SUBTOTAL_GROUP2, and so on). SUBTOTAL_GROUP rows should define the formatting of the subtotal row for the particular group level and the subtotal heading, placement, and reference. |
up to 7 times |
The SUBTITLE_GROUPn parameter automatically creates the subtitle row for the respective SUBTOTAL_GROUPn row. This means that a descriptive row appears above the expanded rows, providing you with an overview of the data that follows below. For more details, see Adding subtotals in Data Bindings - Settings. |
Parameters for Drop-down Dependency
Below is a list of parameters for drop-down dependency: (select the parameter for more information)
Parameter |
Mandatory/Optional |
Occurrence in column A |
Comment |
Available from Bizview 2011 R2 (1.1215.1909) |
N/A |
1 |
Parameter to specify which columns in the form a drop-down list can be dependent of. Tag the columns that should be able to be selected when designing dependent drop-downs. |
Parameters for Automatic Dataview Field Descriptions in Design Mode
Below is a list of parameters for automatic dataview field descriptions in design mode: (select the parameter for more information)
Parameter |
Mandatory/Optional |
Occurrence in column A |
Comment |
Available from Bizview 8.9 |
1 |
If drag-and-drop function is used in HTML5 Template Design in order to drag columns from a specified dataview into the spreadsheet Bizview will automatically insert the column field description into this row for the columns that are inserted in the spreadsheet. |